went up in flames

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Iro - A name for whom we know as erythrocyte AC1677, given to him by his childhood friend. A strict "he" pronoun user.
Ichigo - A name for whom we know as erythrocyte AA2153, given to him by his childhood friend. Uses "he" pronouns, though he doesn't mind "they."
Kuro - A name for whom we know as neutrophil U-1196, given to her by a red blood cell friend of hers. Uses any pronouns.


Hurry up! The walls of the stomach are going to collapse!!

The cracks on the floor surged frighteningly fast towards the duo, and they heard a sound like an explosion, saw the rock floor behind them give out with a deafening groan, the glow of fiery yellow acid shining through.

Go, go go!!

With two tanks under each arm and a bespectacled friend in tow, the blond started to sprint, panic crashing through his mind like a swarm of buzzing insects. The thunder of walls and floors crumbling away and the dying howls of fellow red blood cells eaten away by skin-searing acid filled his ears, drowning out even the sound of his own thoughts. He could already feel his calves burning, but death was on his heels and he could not afford to slow down.

I'm here for him, he reminded himself as he ran, his fragile will (which would never grow to be so shining and strong, like the one of the person behind him) straining under the fear that clouded his head like a black, suffocating fog. I'm here for him. He willed himself not to break, willed the screaming muscles in his legs to keep running just a little longer. Just a little longer and they'd make it out of his shitstorm-

A strangled cry and the heavy, metallic clatter of oxygen tanks hitting the floor pierces the cloud of his thoughts. He whipped around, and saw the collapsing floor rushing eagerly up to swallow his fallen, injured friend-


He abandons the heavy tanks in his arms, sprints forward and hurls his friend aside with all the strength left in him-

Before he feels nothing under his feet, and the dense heat of the acid rising below.

His friend doesn't say a word, but his yellow eyes are unusually terrified, as he leaps, sprints, reaches out with his one gloved hand- if he could just reach out and take that hand, but he's falling further into the heat, the orange glow growing brighter and brighter and his friend growing further and further away.

Their fingertips brush for one hopeful, shining moment—"

Before all that's snatched away in one cruel twist of fate, and he falls and feels the first of his body hit the searing acid.

The last thing he sees is a pair of wide, horrified yellow eyes, before fire consumes him and pain tears across his entire being, and he knew no more.

when im gone - Cells at Work! CODE BLACK!Where stories live. Discover now