29-♥️He Is Jealous♥️

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Hello My Beautiful Ladies👋🥰

Let's start today's chapter👇

What is going on revansh's mind and how it felt him when Adarika ignored him , let's know !!

H♥A♥P♥P♥Y♥ R♥E♥A♥D♥I♥N♥G♥

~𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I lost my control when i got to know my babe rian is missing . He is my everything and i can not bear to lose him never ever .
I know i overreacted to Adarika but i have not control on my anger . I know i accepted her as my wife but whenever i think to tell her , she does something which i hate the most .

I thought to give a chance to our relation , i can't hurt whole life due to my past . In last 4 months , I get to she is not like every women , she is different . Especially she is not like her.
She cares for rian and my family whole heartadly . She doesn't complain to anyone for anything .

Yesterday , i said her many hurtful words which i regret now but that was not me who told her those things , that was my anger on me . I decided to apologize for my mistake . Today when she came downstairs , she was looking normal like nothing happened yesterday . I know behind her smile a hurtful Adarika is .

After breakfast She , Nandini and kirti bhabhi went outside for i think rian's birthday shopping .
I was really shocked to know that she knows how to drive and that time i felt i nothing know about her . She is my wife but don't know anything except her past .

She really don't deserves this . I can't love her but i can give her respect and care .

After doing office work in the evening we went outside in the garden . Everyone was enjoying their evening snakes and tea . Angel and Rian were playing football . Yes my champ is really good player of football and now he is teaching angel .

Everyone was talking about random things then they came back .

"You all come sit here ," Chachi said to them.

They nodded and sat . Angel walked towards Adarika.

"Haaye babe," She said to Angel.

"Hii mami," Angel said.

"You know i have something for you ," Adarika said.

"Really what?" Angel asked in excitement .

"Ahmm that I will give you but you have to wait for a few days ," Adarika said.

"Why ?" Angel asked.

"It will be a surprise , forget it you know your rian bhai's birthday is coming ," Adarika said.

Don't know why but angel became sad hearing birthday things.

"Hey what happened babe ?" Adarika asked her .

"I don't know when my birthday is and i never celebrated my birthday," Angel said.

"It's ok angel , we will celebrate your birthday with me,"Rian said.

"Really?" Angel asked.

"Hmm our birthday will be on the same day," Rian said.

Angel started clapping and jumping in joy and excitement.
She is really cute like princess.

"Dadda is it ok na?" Rian asked me.

I nodded . Why will i have a problem , she is also like our daughter and we will do everything which we do for rian.

Day passed like this and one thing that irritated me that Adarika's behaviour towards me.
She talks with everyone normally with smiling face but whenever i was with them , she looked down trying not to look towards me . I tried many times to appolozise but whenever i tried to go towards her , she ran away from there or ignored me like i didn't exist .

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