becoming your enemy

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In the sprawling stadium of Ragnarok, the third round of the tournament was about to begin. The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the two teams prepared for battle. On one side, Raimon stood united, their determination palpable. On the other, a figure in a Feida uniform stood with a resolute expression, Matsukaze Tenma.

It was a shock to everyone when Tenma had joined Feida. Whispers and rumors had spread like wildfire. Why had he betrayed his friends? What had Feida promised him? But Tenma remained silent, his eyes focused and unwavering.

The whistle blew, signaling the start of the match. The ball flew into the air, and both teams sprang into action. Tenma moved with a speed and power that stunned his former teammates. It was as if he had become an entirely different player.

Kirino tried to block Tenma, but he swiftly dodged, sending a powerful pass to his teammate.

Tenma's heart pounded in his chest. He hadn't joined Feida willingly; they had coerced him, threatening his friends and family. But now, in the heat of the match, he felt a strange exhilaration. The power coursing through his veins was intoxicating.

"Tenma, what are you doing?" Endou Mamoru, Raimon's legendary coach, shouted from the sidelines. "This isn't you!"

But Tenma couldn't hear him. He was too focused on the game, too lost in the rush of his newfound abilities. He executed a flawless dribble, evading multiple Raimon players, and lined up for a shot. His foot connected with the ball, sending it rocketing towards the goal.

Raimon's goalkeeper, Shinsuke, leaped to stop his former captain, but the ball was too fast. It blasted past him, scoring the first goal for Feida. The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps.

Tenma glanced at his former teammates. He saw the confusion and hurt in their eyes, but also a flicker of determination. They wouldn't give up, no matter what. And neither could he, even if his path was now shrouded in darkness.

Raimon rallied, determined to bring their friend back. Shindou Takuto, their captain, orchestrated their moves with precision. "We need to break through Tenma's defenses and remind him who he is!"

As the game progressed, the intensity only grew. Feida's players, enhanced by their Second Stage Children powers, were formidable opponents. But Raimon fought back with everything they had. Each pass, each tackle, was charged with emotion and desperation.

With the score tied at 2-2 and only minutes left on the clock, the tension was palpable. Tenma knew this was his moment. He had to end this, one way or another. Summoning all his strength, he shouted Majin Pegasus Arc, Armed.

But Raimon was ready. Shindou and Tsurugi, working in perfect harmony, unleashed their combined technique: Keshin Armed.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. In that frozen instant, Tenma heard a voice—Shindou's voice—cutting through the chaos. "Tenma! We believe in you! Come back to us!"

Something inside Tenma snapped. The darkness that had clouded his mind lifted, and he saw clearly for the first time. He remembered why he played soccer, the joy it brought him, and the bonds he had formed. With a final, desperate effort, he redirected his power, sending the ball not into the goal, but out of bounds.

The whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. The score remained tied, but that didn't matter. Tenma fell to his knees, the energy draining from his body.

Raimon rushed to his side, their relief and concern evident. Shindou knelt beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Welcome back, Tenma."

Tenma looked up, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Endou approached, his expression stern but kind. "You made the right choice in the end. That's what matters."

As the stadium emptied and the night descended, Tenma knew the road ahead would be difficult. Feida wouldn't take his betrayal lightly, and he had a lot to atone for. But with his friends by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope.

Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, stronger and more united than ever before.

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