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While Mondays are often disliked for their abrupt return to reality after a calm and soothing weekend, they don’t really bother me. But Thursdays? Thursdays feel like the entire week's stress has accumulated and is dragging me down. If I could, I would erase Thursdays from the calendar entirely. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that Friday is just around the corner, though it always seems to be riding a tortoise's back.

Today was no exception; in fact, it was worse than most Thursdays. It seemed as if the universe had a personal vendetta against me. First, I woke up with a morning fever. Then, some guy stumbled into me, spilling my coffee all over my shirt, leaving a stain that looked like a map of some country. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the rain decided to come out of nowhere and soak me as I ran like a madman to the bus shelter.

By the time I reached the bus stop, I was drenched and miserable, and it wasn’t even 9 o’clock yet. Oh, how I dreaded what the rest of the day had in store for me.


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