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     The walk back to the dorms was careful and light.  Bakugo stole glances her way to make sure she didn't get yanked off the street, but she was fine.  Her eyes brushed across the landscape, zipping around like little bugs.  
     "I should've brought my camera."  Bakugo cocks an eyebrow as she looks down at him and smiles his way.  
     "Your phone?"  
     "No, no.  I have a pretty nice, kinda professional camera.  Should've brought it."  She looks up again as she moves to stand by his side before he continues walking, now next to her.  
     "You do photography?"  She nods her head.  
     "My mom did, kind of a hobby-turned-side-hussle.  When she passed, I got her nice camera.  It's kinda old, but I've done everything I can to keep it in good shape."  He nods his head as he pulls his gaze from passing across her face.  "I might buy a new one soon.  I'm undecided."  

     Ashido catches Misako's eyes the moment she steps through the dorm building door Bakugo holds open.  She smiles with a small wave, and it only takes Ashido raising her brows for Misako's cheeks to darken in a slight blush.  She glances away and then watches Bakugo walking past her, jumping to follow.  
     Where were you two?  Misako looks down at the text from Ashido with an embarrassed smile as Bakugo opens the door to his room.  She moves past him to head inside, eyes hitting his chest first before dragging up his neck and then his face until she meets his eyes.  He follows inside and shuts the door behind him.  
     He cocks an eyebrow as Misako clambers onto his bed and settles herself with her legs crossed as she texts.  
     We just stopped by my place really quick.  I needed to grab something she replies.  
     Oh yeah? Mina texts back, then sends another.  What'd ya get?  Misako laughs at the small emoji with a suggestive face at the end of her message.  
     "Who is it?" Bakugo questions as he stands in front of her, his arms settling over his chest.  She looks up and smiles at him on instinct before turning the phone around to show him.  
     "Mina's making fun of me."  
     He leans in to skim over the texts with a small smirk on his face.  He reminds himself he doesn't need to worry, and then reminds himself again that it's not his place to worry from the beginning.  
     "Anyway, I'm gonna take a nap."  
     "What?" he questions and she snickers.  "Thought sleeping didn't make you less tired."  
     "It doesn't.  But the food will, so when I wake up, I won't be tired anymore and I'll feel great.  Reminds me of being a kid."  She dramatically throws her torso back into the bed and then tugs his fluffy comforter over her legs.  "Plus, you said you had an afternoon planned, so I'll leave you to it.  I'll just borrow your bed for a bit and you can wake me up when you need it."  

     Bakugo sighs as he pulls the headphones off his head.  He yawns, checking the time quickly to see it's just after 9, the time he usually goes to bed.  He quickly closes out of the game he was playing and the tab open showing Kaminari and Kirishima somehow still in a voice chat, though it seemed Sero had left.  He scoffs at the two as he shuts the computer down, moving to the restroom for moment.  
     Misako's still asleep on the bed, looking peaceful, beautiful, almost omnipotent.  He stands over the bed for a moment, arms crossed again as he stares at her.  The blanket is pulled up to her neck, gripped in her hand he can't see to keep it there.  He hoped his presence alone would wake her, but it doesn't.  
     He reaches down, trying to be gentle as he rocks her back and forth by her shoulder.  It only takes a second for her eyes to reel open.  
     "Wake up time," he tells her gently with a small laugh.  "It's my turn."  She smiles at him, her eyes racing fast for a moment before closes them and rolls onto her back.  
     "Can't believe you actually woke me up," she hums quietly.  "That was a joke, man.  You have a double size bed; it can fit two people.  Figure it out."  Bakugo can't help the shocked expression pulling his cheeks as she turns onto her other side to face the wall, dragging along the comforter with her.  

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