𝟬𝟭| 𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧

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JUICE WAS MINDING HIS BUSINESS, filling up the tank of his bike as a low groan escaped his lips, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his wrist

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JUICE WAS MINDING HIS BUSINESS, filling up the tank of his bike as a low groan escaped his lips, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his wrist. The sun was beating down on the asphalt, the leather of the seats sure to be uncomfortable to sit on. But neither Jax nor Juice were in the mood to take wait until the sun would go down.

After a quick trip to Nevada to visit Jury, the two were on their way back to Charming, the club already waiting to welcome their brothers back who had been gone for five days. Still, they had decided to take a short break in Roseville, Californiaᅳ Juice in charge of filling up the tanks while Jax disappeared into a burger restaurant across the street to get something to eat for them.

When he returned, Juice put the pump back in the machine and pulled his sunglasses from his eyes when he noticed Jax' not so happy expression. A mixture of shock, surprise and confusion was etched into his features, making them appear harder than usual.

"What's gotten into you?", the Puerto Rican inquired as his eyes scanned the blonde, down to his empty hands. "Where's the food?"

"Forget the food." Jax mysteriously pulled his brother aside, away from a small family that stood around their own car, his chin slightly lifted as he nodded across the street. "You see the woman behind the counter?"

Utterly confused but not questioning Jax' behavior, Juice turned his gaze forward, squeezing his eyes as if that would help him see better. He shielded his face with one hand to block out the sun that was blinding him, only a moment later his breath hitched.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy, a hint of nausea setting in as he watched the woman through the huge shop window like the biggest creepᅳ but he couldn't stop staring no matter how hard he tried, probably earning a few disgusted looks from others.

Her long, silky red hair flowed down her petite back, her body just as ravishing as she stocked the salad bar with an elegance that was astonishing. Any man would be on his knees within seconds for a woman like her, but she had only ever wanted oneᅳ Happy Lowman.

Until she had taken her last breath fourteen months ago, shattering Happy's world into thousand pieces with that. The only thing she had left him was their one year old daughter, Esmee, and a lot of beautiful yet painful memories of their time together.

"So I'm not imagining it", Jax said with a click of his tongue, Juice' reaction exactly the one he needed to make sure he hadn't lost his mind. "How? How the hell is this possible?"

"This can't be true", Juice muttered, shaking his head, stumbling back a little before pacing back and forth, the sandy ground crunching under the tread of his boots. "They declared her dead, Happy saw her...he saw her dead body. Weᅳ we saw it." Juice swallowed hard, still not believing his eyes as he glanced through the large display window again, watching his former best friend helping an older customer. "We buried her, a whole damn funeral. That's..that's impossible."

"I know." Jax pressed his lips together, his arms crossed as he continued to watch the woman with caution, just as stalker-like as Juice. "Did she ever mention a twin? I mean..only Happy ever met her family, she never talked about it much."

"Because her family didn't accept Happy from the startᅳ but she chose him and they abandoned her. I wouldn't have mentioned them again either if I had been her", Juice explained without looking away, his voice low and filled with a hint of sadness. Then the penny dropped and yet he looked at Jax in surprise, his eyes wide. "You were inside. What did she say? How did she react? I mean, she must have recognized you."

"That's the thing", Jax began with a sigh, shaking his head. "She greeted me like any other customer, friendly with a polite smile on her lips. She sounded just like Josy and I just left her standing there. Man, I had no idea how to react."

When her name fell for the first time, for the first time since she had died, none of them able to even mouth her name in front of Happy, the men fell silent for a moment, the weight of Josephine's loss still hanging over them like a dark cloud in the sky.

It wasn't just Happy who suffered from the loss, everyone else in the club too. Juice had been her best friend. It wasn't just their silliness and innocent charisma with their permanently wide smile that connected the two, but also their big hearts, the empathy that both possessed.

Jax had quickly become like a big brother to Josy, her own family too uptight, judgmental and arrogant to match Josy's loving nature. They knew that Josy had an older sister, but the two had never really had anything in common. And eventually, after all the club parties that Happy had taken her to, she had built a connection not only with the Tacoma Killer but with the others as well.

Chibs, for example, had always loved and appreciated the cheerful nature that Josy displayed, fascinated by her talent for making everyone feel better immediately when it was needed.

Tig had tried his shot. What could be better than a woman who was smoking hot, empathetic and the opposite of complicated? But Happy had quickly showed everyone who Josy belonged to, barking at anyone who came even a step too close to his Old Lady.

Gemma, who was usually not enthusiastic about new Old Ladies until they had proven themselves, had been fascinated from the start. The matriarch's gut feeling never betrayed her, and she immediately had a good feeling about Josy, the young woman too innocent to have any bad intentions. And after Gemma found out that Josy never really had a family that understood her, she had taken her under her wing.

Josy had also had a healthy, close relationship with the rest, always there when she was needed. And as a kindergarten teacher, she never had a problem to watch the kids if they ever needed a babysitter for any of the children.

"Well, because it is Josy", Juice muttered after a long silence, not quite believing his own words yet. "It has to be herᅳ I can't explain it any other way."

"Isn't it said that everyone has a doppelganger or some shit like that?" Jax' brows furrowed further, his piercing blue eyes watching the redhead's every little move. "It's definitely creepy as fuck, even the movements, her charismaᅳ everything's the same."

"What do we do, man?" Juice' uncertain gaze landed on the blonde, who just shrugged his shoulders with a deep sigh.

"I don't know, man", he admitted honestly, putting on his own sunglasses before turning and thoughtfully heading for his bike. Climbing onto it, he cast one last glance at the burger restaurant. "In any case, we can't tell Happy about it until we're sure it's her."

"No, we can't", Juice agreed without hesitation as he also swung a leg over his bike and put on his helmet. With a click of the lock, he sighed deeply and started the engine, almost shouting his next words. "We should talk to the others, think about what we're going to do next!"

Jax nodded, also starting the engine. "We will, as soon as we get there. And until we have all the information, Josy's name won't be mentioned once in front of Happy!"

To which Juice agreed with a curt nod. Telling the Killer out of nowhere that they thought they had seen his dead Old Lady lady would only throw their SAA back into the deep hole he was only slowly getting out ofᅳ or at least that's what Happy wanted the others to think.

word count; 1335

authors note; pretty short introduction chapter, I know! Next one's will be longer, I promise. 🤎

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