Our Baby

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Eloise POV

I WAS PREGNANT I couldn't believe I knew I had to tell prince look at my sonogram

Prince POV

Why do I suddenly have a good feeling that's something was going to happen

A few days later

Prince POV

I just heard some wonderful news so I was out I heard that she was at her store she owns

Eloise POV

I was out my store it was just a small store wasn't that many customers here

Suddenly prince pulled up to her store and got out the car and walked into the store

Eloise was helping a customer with something and didn't see her so he came to the check out

Her back was turned so she didn't know that prince was at the checkout

Prince: excuse me

Eloise stopped in her tracks she recognized that voice so well it was prince

Eloise: yes can I help you

Prince: Eloise

Prince: hey prince what's up

Prince: can we talk

Eloise: uh sure ....Hey Troy can you take over for me

Troy : sure go ahead

Eloise: ok ....follow me prince

So they came to her office she was so nervous she knew what he wanted to talk about and why he was here

Eloise: what's up

Prince: is it true

Eloise: what

Prince: that your pregnant with my baby

Eloise: yes it is I just found out

Prince was so shocked and excited at the same time about the news

Eloise: I have the sonogram if you want to see it

Prince: I do

Eloise: ok(got it out of her purse) here you go

Prince stared at the picture and it was a little human in there

Eloise: I'm 16weeks so my belly is out a little

Prince: ok....can I feel your belly

Eloise: yes you can

He felt her belly and she was showing a little bit

Eloise: I scheduled a photoshoot for the baby would you like to be part of it

Prince: of course

Eloise: ok well it's tomorrow at 10:30 so you can meet me at my house and we can go to the location together

Prince: ok see you tomorrow ...can I keep this

Eloise: of course

So he left he was excited about the journey he couldn't wait to meet his baby and become a father

So he came home getting ready for tomorrow with this photoshoot

Next Day

Lyndale Peace Garden And Lyndale Rose Garden

Eloise POV

Me and prince made it to the location ahh it was so beautiful prince and me were matching for our baby I know I am not that further along but I still want to capture this moment with him

Prince POV

Me and Eloise made it today is the day of the photoshoot we were matching each other here we go

So they got started on the photoshoot and he was telling them how to pose

It was one picture when prince kissed Eloise stomach he captured that moment between the both of them

End of photoshoot

Eloise POV

Just finished the photoshoot I am so hungry I'm so glade there's food here prince was so happy to take those pictures with me it's a new beginning can't wait to see how the pictures turned out

Prince POV

The photoshoot was great can't wait to see how the pictures turned out

Eloise: are you excited about becoming a dad

Prince: yes it's always been a dream of mine

Eloise: I know this baby going to change everything

Prince: yes but it'll be for the better

Eloise: yes indeed well I'm heading home

Prince: ok see you then

So they left to go home and Eloise was so sleepy that she came to take a nap

A few hours have passed and Eloise got dinner started for tonight she was so starving and ready to eat

Prince called to check up on her to see how she is feeling since the photoshoot after chatting a for a few hours they both said goodnight to each other

Eloise came to shower and got ready for her dinner was good her dishes are clean so all she wanted was to sleep for the rest of the day

Next Day

Eloise POV

It was a new day and such a beautiful day out here ahh the sunshine always puts me in a good mood me and my baby was hungry so I made breakfast

She came to the kitchen to make breakfast for the morning and then going to get her day started as usual

After she was finished she came to shower to get her day started it was going to be a busy day but she wasn't going to overwork herself like she usual do now that she's pregnant with a baby ....she had a checkup coming up soon to check up on her baby she was excited about the whole thing

Prince called her phone and wished her a good morning to see how she is feeling today

Suddenly she left the house and came to run her errands for the day she didn't have that many things to day anyway

In a few short weeks she was going to hear her babies heart beat and ultrasound sound she was already attached to her baby even though the baby isn't here yet but she was excited for it all and couldn't wait to hold and smell her baby

Prince was excited as well he couldn't wait to hold the baby and just have that special bond with his child they have a long way to go but the closer it got the more excited he became he didn't know if he was having a boy or girl but it didn't matter to him he would be happy either way cause he know he'll have the best of both worlds when the baby arrives

Eloise bought some things for her baby she was going to neutral for right now until she knows for sure what she is having but she already had a hench of what she was going to have

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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