We're in this together

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It had been a month since the war ended and things were getting back to what they used to be.

Sonic, Shadow and Silver had become Super together to put it all back to what it all started as.

Sonic and Knuckles hadn't heard from Tails since and missed him but knew he could take care of himself.

Aleena, Sonia, Manic and Chuck had called asking if she was OK after hearing about the last war and were relieved when she said she was fine.

They both knew they wanted her back, but she swore not to go back until Eggman was gone.

Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine

Sonic was sleeping and having a nightmare right now.

The Citadel, on an islet encapsulated in the Void. Mangey whimpered and consoled Gnarly while Silver held Renegade's arm, Batten comforted Sails and the Roses held hands.

"It has been an honor, sisters." Rusty said.

Don't shed tears while Done-it snored, Deep gathered the two together and they started sobbing, while Babble giggled and clapped. Shadow firmly looked at Rebel, who looked at one of her gloves in misery.

"Not yet." she said determined, ran and jumped onto the other Shatter Drive in the lab.

"Sonic, what are you doing?" Nine asked.

"Giving you a sacrifice."

"You'd do that after everything I..."

"What are friends for?" she said and turned to Shadow and Renegade, who nodded in agreement. "If I do this, you must all promise to leave Nine alone! Let him live peacefully in his new home in the Grim."

"Sure, certainly. Invade? Us?" Eggman said and chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"Same goes for you, Nine. Promise that you won't cause any more trouble in the other Shatterspaces."

"How can we trust him again?" Renegade asked.

"You can trust me." Nine said.

"We have no choice. It all ends here if we don't." Rebel said and Nine smiled.

"You have my word."

"Hurry up already!" Done-It said angrily and banged his fist while Nine moved over to the keyboard and started typing.

"If I can extract the remaining Prism energy inside of him, I can use it to fully reform the Paradox Prism." Nine said and the screen showed energy depleting from a Rebel icon and a bar to the right of the Paradox Prism raised up to full.

"And then? Spit it out!" Deep said.

"And then the Prism will finally be fully stable. I can save everything."

"You heard him. We have a plan. Let's move this along." Sonic said.

"For once, I agree with the blue rat. Do it already!" Eggman said.

"There's a risk. If I remove the energy, she might fall apart." Nine said.

"What about me or Shadow?" Silver asked suspiciously.

"Shadow wasn't there for the shatter event during the war. I'm guessing he blipped into this reality like the Infinite war."

"And without the Prism energy binding either of you, I'm not sure you'll make it." Nine said.

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