Hold Me Tonight

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Yoongi walked home hand in hand with JeongGuk, savoring the tranquility of the night. The hour was late, and this neighborhood wasn't the safest for solitary walks—a fact not lost on JeongGuk, who knew Yoongi's small frame made him vulnerable.

"You know, Guk, I can make it home on my own," Yoongi remarked, exchanging a glance with his companion, who shrugged in response. "I'd feel better seeing you safely to your door," JeongGuk insisted.

Before Yoongi could finish his thought, a group of boisterous men approached them. JeongGuk frowned, not eager for confrontation. "Let's cross the street," he suggested.

"What? But my place is right here," Yoongi protested.

Without hesitation, JeongGuk leaned in and kissed Yoongi briefly. "Okay, let's go," Yoongi relented, sighing softly. "We can just ignore them," he murmured, caressing JeongGuk's cheek.

JeongGuk's attention remained fixed on the approaching men, who paused and whispered among themselves. He took a deep breath, catching the distinct scents of alpha and beta pheromones swirling around them like a storm, pulling Yoongi closer to him instinctively.

"Look at these two little lovebirds," one of the men jeered, drawing a disdainful eye-roll from JeongGuk. Sensing trouble, Yoongi moved behind JeongGuk protectively. "Could you just let us pass? I'm walking my boyfriend home," JeongGuk asserted.

"Well, aren't we gentlemen? Let us escort you," another man sneered, grabbing Yoongi and pulling him away. Yoongi cried out in surprise, held back by two of the men.

"Let him go," JeongGuk growled, fixing his gaze on the apparent leader of the group. What a sorry excuse for a pack leader, he thought bitterly.

As the male spoke, JeongGuk's eyes tracked his movements as he approached Yoongi. "Or what? You know what? He's an omega?" the male sneered, his gaze flicking to Yoongi. JeongGuk's attention remained fixed on Yoongi, who nodded hesitantly. "Look, I don't feel like fighting tonight," he said, his voice calm and even. "Let him go, or someone will be needing a trip to the emergency room to get their jaw reset." JeongGuk's gaze didn't leave Yoongi's face, but his attention was actually focused on the men holding him captive. His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene, his mind racing with strategies.

With deliberate care, JeongGuk released a subtle pheromone signal, monitoring Yoongi's reaction closely. He knew that too much of his scent could overwhelm his mate, and he was determined to keep him calm. "Yeah? And I'm feeling nice to see how this omega takes-" the male sneered, but JeongGuk's patience snapped as he punched the male in the face. The sound of crunching bone was accompanied by the male's pained cry, and JeongGuk knew his fist wasn't affected from causing the damage. His anger wasn't sparked by the male's homophobia or the fact that they were still holding Yoongi captive - it was the man's suggestion that he wanted to sexually assault his mate, right in front of him.

JeongGuk turned just in time to see one of the males lunge for a pipe, snatching it away and using it to strike the other male's face twice, leaving him reeling. JeongGuk barely broke a sweat as he turned to face the two remaining males, his expression calm and detached. "My fiancé, please," he said, his voice low and even, as he approached the pair. The leader grasped his pants, spinning around to slam the pipe into the male's ribcage with a brutal force that surprised even JeongGuk. He pushed his hair back, his eyes flicking to the leader before gesturing towards the street. "You might want to take your friend and your... acquaintance to the ER. I don't feel like calling an ambulance." The males merely snorted, shoving Yoongi towards JeongGuk before hurrying off to assist their injured friends. JeongGuk wrapped his hand around Yoongi's arm, guiding him forward as he tossed the pipe across the street with a dismissive tone. "Goodnight, gentlemen."


As the door closed behind them, JeongGuk ensured it was secure before falling into step beside Yoongi as they approached the elevator. "So, what are you in the mood for dinner tonight?" he asked, his tone casual. Yoongi chuckled softly, his eyes fixed on the elevator doors, "I thought you were just going to walk me to my door?" JeongGuk smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, it's your parents' apartment, after all," he said, his voice low and gentle.

"Still on their tab, so no," Yoongi said firmly, "You can't cover the cost. I'm fine." JeongGuk's face softened,and he reached for Yoongi's hand, "At least let me order takeout?" The elevator doors slid shut, and JeongGuk pressed the button for Yoongi's floor. "Okay... but you have to order for Hoseok too. I promised him he could come over tonight for a bit, since SeokJin and Namjoon are working the night shift." JeongGuk rolled his eyes good-naturedly, "He's always there anyway; he lives across from you." Yoongi squeezed JeongGuk's hand, his gaze warm. "It just makes sense that he is."

The elevator jerked to a halt once JeongGuk had pressed the emergency stop button, and JeongGuk's fingers wrapped around Yoongi's wrist like a vice. Yoongi's eyes met JeongGuk's, his cheeks flushing as he was trapped in the corner. "Oh?" JeongGuk whispered, his voice low and husky, his words dripping with sensual intent. "Am I making you nervous?" The air was heavy with tension as JeongGuk's body seemed to hum with energy, drawing Yoongi in like a magnet. Yoongi's hand rose to touch the side of his neck, and JeongGuk leaned in, his warm breath whispering against Yoongi's ear as he listened to the soft pants that escaped his lover's lips.

As JeongGuk's lips claimed Yoongi's neck, Yoongi's own hand clutched at the alpha male's shirt, his voice barely above a whisper. "J-JeongGuk," he gasped out, his eyes fluttering closed as he succumbed to the sensations. JeongGuk's humming grew louder, his fingers tracing the curve of Yoongi's neck as he left gentle bites and kisses. When he finally released Yoongi's hand, the other man's instinctively wrapped his own around JeongGuk's shirt, holding on tight. JeongGuk's touch was deliberate as he slid his hand up Yoongi's thigh, the soft material of their underwear a gentle friction against his fingertips. Yoongi's gasp was barely audible as JeongGuk's finger brushed against the sensitive skin. "Ggukie," Yoongi managed to whisper, his voice trembling. JeongGuk didn't respond, instead pulling Yoongi into a tight embrace and burying his face in the crook of his neck. He breathed in deeply, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath, before finally pulling away and kissing Yoongi's forehead. He pulled away after a moment, pressing the button again. The elevator resumed its motion, and he only tucked his hands in his pockets, feeling Yoongi's arm hook onto his. "It's okay," Yoongi said softly, JeongGuk only nodding. "Yeah I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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