Midnight Barista, Shuichi POV

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Sweat trickled down my forehead as customers chatted lightly, soft classical music in the background, "Large whipped mocha latte and peanut butter biscuits." I called out resting the order on the wooden counter, the plate clinking down quietly as I rushed to prepare another order.

The coffee shop is always busy during lunch, I hate it. It's not that I don't enjoy making coffee, but I really dislike being the only one rostered at this time, especially when I still have the night shift to do, alone, again, but I prefer it then, the regulars are nice, except for him, and it's normally pretty peaceful.
"Listen coffee boy, I'm already running late so could you hurry the fuck up!?" Some angry man dressed in a grey suit yelled out to me, shaking me out of my trance.

"Sorry sir, what was it you wanted again? I'll get on it right away." I smiled fakely and swished back my hair as it rested on my forehead.

"Future Foundation is going to kill me.." He mumbled angrily, "Four medium coffees, all black." The man continued, the wrinkles on his forehead becoming more apparent.

I briskly started the coffee machine and swiftly prepared the coffees, handing him the takeaway cups.

"Thank you for your patience, come again." I smiled reluctantly as he left.

Things began to quiet down as two o'clock came around and people slowly filed out.

My first break came so I practically ran into the employee's only room and took off my apron, it was stained with coffee spills, milk and cream, shoving it in my locker I fixed my hair and took off the employee cap, it had the company logo on it, a single coffee bean with a moon and sun blended together in the back as the name, 'Sun Roasted Coffees' curved over the top of it.

I left through the back and briskly walked to the park taking a seat on a nearby bench, checking my phone, spam texts and emails flooded my inbox, not a sign of anything or anyone actually caring for me though. My screen faded to black and I stared back at the reflection staring at me. I've been saving and earning since I've been able to work, this exact same coffee shop the entire time. My life's meaning has been slipping away, I used to want to become a detective and start my own agency, but I got laughed at and ridiculed when I told people, since then I've given up, it's easier like this, I've worked hard and live a fairly nice life, although, the only personal relationships I have being my coworkers and regulars. I want to get out there and become someone better, someone useful but I'm so scared..- I'm so scared.

"Shuichi?" A familiar voice called out questioningly and I whipped my head up to see who called out, "Hey! Thanks for working today by the way! Rantaro pulled out last minute, something about having to find his sisters, I don't know." A cheerful tone emitted and drew closer to me as I realised who it was.

"Oh, Ms Akamatsu, It's no problem really, I didn't have much to do today anyway." I pushed out a nervous smile, my lips turning upwards against their will. She moved gracefully over to me, her blonde hair trailing behind her, before long she stood in front of me, standing above me, "So, what are you doing out?" I questioned putting my phone back into my jean pockets.

"It's my daughter's birthday, so Miu and I arranged a small family gathering here. Do you want to come over and say hi?" Kaede smiled warmly, pointing over to an area with a crowd of about 60 people.

"Small?" I asked jokingly, letting out a light chuckle. "And thank you for the offer but I wouldn't like to intrude, tell Iruma I said hello though, and a happy birthday to your daughter." I stood up and bowed softly before starting to turn away, wanting the conversation to be over.

"Alright! See you around Shuichi, by the way, tonight an important customer will be dropping by so be extra nice!" Kaede called out before waving goodbye and rushing back off to her 'small' gathering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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