The exam

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"PIHU!! PIHU!! PIHU!! wake up its late you have an exam today" I heard a familiar voice 20 minutes ago. Now, I was fully aware of how much late I really am.


"Mumma why didn't you wake me up earlyyyyy???"

"I have a end semester todayy!!!"

I screamed when I just came out of the washroom and went ahead to make my hair.

"It's 8:20 the test will begin at 9:00 what will I do now? It would take me at least 30 mins to reach and the gates close at 8:45 " 

"That was what exactly I was saying from the last half an hour while trying to wake you up but you become deaf when you go to sleep." 

My mother scolded me and helped me with my accessories while I just stuffed the parathas in my mouth.

"Why are you both shouting??? I will drop her come on its 8:25 already. I am going downstairs to bring out my vehicle, come down quickly" Said my dad who is my life saver in these situations.

"All the best!! Focus on the paper and calm yourself down before starting the paper" 

"ID Card, pen, hall ticket ...."She brought the shoes as I was cross checking for the things in my bag which I would need.

"Yes yes"

"Bye Bye thanks! " I waved at her as I left but then here as usual every single time I was late things would not rather be in my favour rather they would be in the worst case. Like now, the lift wasn't working so I had no option other than to take stairs.

"Don't fall on stairs!! Don't run too fast you would get hurt!" My mom's voice echoed the staircase as I descended it or rather bounded them.

"Yes ready now lets go!!" I said to my father as I sat on the two wheeler and we left our society.

My father is really my life saver when it comes to situations like these. He took every shortcut he knew to make me reach the college on time before the gates close and yet he didn't scolded me rather made me calm.

"Remember take deep breaths to calm yourself if you get nervous in the paper" He said as he drove through the narrow lanes which is one of the shortcut.

"Don't think too much about being late or not studying enough, you have worked hard!!!" He said to me as I was getting down the vehicle.

But as soon as I got down I saw that the gate was going to be closed so without even wasting a second I just ran as fast as I could and entered before they closed the gates behind me.

"Thanks a lot!!! " I screamed so my father could hear it.

As I reached the campus I knew that I had to make it in 5 minutes otherwise I would be dead. Regretting my decision of studying till late night and not able to wake up even after setting several alarms I climbed the stairs as the lift was on the 5th floor which I had to reach for giving the exam. I somehow reached there panting but there was whole caos in the hallway rather than silence.

" What why is everyone out ??? I came up running like my life depends on it and here everyone's out !!! " I was trying to process as I accidentally collided into a guy who was standing by the side.

"Ouchhh!!!!" I cried as my right hand was fully twisted as I lost balance and fell towards the guy. He held me with both of his arms and made me regain the balance but then when I looked up I realised that his eyes were stuck on me the moment I stepped on the floor. But then due to this the whole corridor went silent and everyone was looking at us while we seemed to have a staring contest with each other where his gaze was similar to the predator who would anytime attack the prey and devour it as a meal.

He opened the mouth to say something and that's when the college staff came and said that the issue has been sorted and the new seating arrangement has been mailed, everyone has to be in their respective classroom within 10 minutes.

That's when the whole chaos came back to life and everyone was checking their phone to find their respective classroom, thanking god for rescuing me from this embarassing situation I just ran towards the girls washroom while searching my phone.

Again!! I collided into a girl, no no not any girl she is my best friend Shruti, seeing her all of my nervousness, anxiety went to the bay.

"Slow down where are you going in such a hurry? " said Aarushi as she helped both of us regain the balance.

"I was late again!!!! I thought the exam would start and they won't let me in" I said as I sighed.

"We have been calling you to tell that only but you are not picking up our phone!! " said Shruti

"I was searching for my phone but ...." 

"Come on fast we have to go to the classroom which is in the other end and papers are starting on time" Aarushi cut me in between.

"Walk fast!!! " Shruti commanded as she held both of our hands and lead us to the other end parting the crowd.

"Finally!!" I said when we reached the room and we took out the pen and hall ticket.

"All the best!!" we said to each other as we parted to go to our respective benches.

"Thank you god, I am not late wherein I was technically late as I saw that the time was 9:05" I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths and trying to find the water bottle as I felt thirsty.

So I got up from the seat and went again to get the water bottle when eyes again met the same guy as I was keeping the bag again. 

"Oh no!! Not again, should I say sorry to him? or thank you for making me help regain balance? But my right hand still aches " I was speaking in my head to myself while he just kept staring at me with his brown eyes. 

"Go and sit on your benches if you both have taken whatever you wanted. I am distributing the answer sheet " The teacher scolded both of us.

"Yes ma'am" We said in unison.

Soon the question paper was also distributed and I let out a sigh of relief when I felt that sleeping late last night was the correct decision.

I immediately looked up to find Aarushi as we both were on google meet studying together and a wide smile was plastered on both of our faces as we knew our hard work would pay off but then again my eyes met with that guy, he was sitting a few benches after me but ahead of Aarushi. I turned my focus back to the paper as it was solvable but seemed to be too lengthy.

I somehow managed to complete the paper on time despite spraining my right hand's wrist.

We three of us went to the canteen after a bit of the discussion to suffice our hunger after a 3 hour end semester exam.

This is my first novel's first chapter, it would be grateful if you do share your views about it? Please do like and comment. I may either update this part or publish a new part in some time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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