I'm in love (Lesbian love story)

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The first time I saw her was when I moved to Santa Barbara, California. She was sitting there like an angelic statue. She was wearing the school uniform, a nice shirt and a black and blue plaid skirt.      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was at my house in Columbus, Ohio, packing. My mom had just told me yesterday that we were moving to Santa Barbara, California. I was going to an all girl boarding school. Well, I guess I’ll tell you a little about myself: I’m a girl (obviously), I’m about 5‘8, I have long blonde hair, and I have a great personality. Now thats over with, back to the story. My mom and I just finished packing. We had rented a U-Haul, because we had a little car and it was a long drive there. It was around 9a.m when we arrived at a Mc.Donald’s. We were already in Columbia, South Carolina. We had left our house old house around 1a.m. Oh, I forgot to tell you my name.  It’s Rita Harusaki. I’m almost seventeen years old, In a week. It was my third year of high school. One more year of high school and I’ll be done. Have any of you noticed I haven’t mentioned my dad? Well thats because I don’t have one. After we ate we got in the car. “ Mom?” “Yes Rita?” “Can you tell me what happened to dad?” “Well honey.” She paused for a moment “It happened when I was pregnant with you. Your father was coming home, he didn’t stop at a stop sign and another car collided with him. He died on impact.” My mom had started to cry. She quickly wiped the tears away. “I’m so sorry mom.” “Why are you sorry? It’s not like you did it.” “I know. I guess I should have said I felt sorry for you.” I’m the type of person who doesn’t cry. But seeing my mom cry made me almost cry. “Mom, I love you.” “I love you too sweetie.” Her voice cracked when she said love. I don’t know if it was because she was upset or what. I was thinking about the little information I got on my dad. *sigh* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was woken up to a violent shaking. I guess my mom had been trying to wake me up for the past five minutes. “Are we there?” “Yes now get up” She had an edge to her voice. It was around 11a.m when we started getting boxes out of the U-Haul and into the house.  “Rita, you start school tomorrow.” “Great.” I said a little upset. I sighed and walked off into the house. I thought taking a tour of the house would calm me down a little. It was a two story house, with dark blue walls in the entrance. The living, to the right of the entrance, was beautiful. The walls were a bright blue and the carpet was also a light blue. Next was the kitchen. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the kitchen was that it had an island. The island was a mahogany color with a counter that was black and white marble tile. It was the same with the sink counter. I got bored of exploring the house, so I went back out to help my mom unpack. I grabbed my boxes and set them aside. I would be bringing all of my stuff to the dormitories tomorrow. It was around 9a.m when I started to get tired. So I headed up to my “room” that I would be staying in tonight.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up around 6a.m to the sound of my nasally alarm clock. Today is the day I go to boarding school. I got up and got dressed into a black tee-shirt and black skinny jeans. I was a little nervous going to a new school. I’ve went to public school all my life.  My mom drove me to the school it was about an hour and a half drive there. When we got there my mouth dropped. It was such a beautiful school. “Mom. I’m going to miss you.” “I’ll miss you too sweetie. Be good.” “I will.” I leaned over the seat and gave her a big hug. I got out of the car and shut the door. I walked along the sidewalk to the office. I walked into a strong smell of French Vanilla air freshener. I went to a small counter and rung the bell. A girl named Kari ( she had a name tag on) came to the counter. “Are you Rita Harusaki?” “Yes.” “You’ll be rooming with Kiki Tasuki in room 546B. Its on the 4th floor. Thank you have a good day.” She said unpleasantly, and handed me a key.  I walked up to my room with my boxes, I didn’t have that many. I took the key that the woman gave me and unlocked the door. The inside of the room had bright red walls and black carpet. This was my dream room. There was two beds in the room. One for me and one for my roommate, Kiki. I looked toward m left. Kiki was standing there with her mouth open.  “Hey I’m Rita. Why did you have your mouth hanging open?” “I’m Kiki. Well... umm.” “Yes?” “Your just so beautiful and not at all what I expected.”  She said while blushing a crimson red. “Thank you. Umm... sorry to ask this, but which bed is mine?” “Your welcome. The right one. Is that okay?” “Yes it’s fine. So what year are you?” “I’m a third year student. You?” “Same here.” I stood there feeling a little awkward.  “So..... could you show me around the place?” “Sure.” She showed me the rest of the dorm, the Head Master’s dorm, the Vice President’s dorm, and the President’s dorm. Thats when I saw her. Sitting there like an angelic statue. She was like an angel, she was like a light in the darkness, she was so beautiful. “Kiki?” “What?” “Who is that girl?” “She’s the President. He name is Shizuma Matarasu  Thats when Shizuma and I met eye contact. It felt like I melted into a puddle. Shizuma has long gray hair, she has green eyes, and she looked to be a year older than me. She was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life. Kiki pulled me along. *sigh* I  wish I could see Shizuma again and maybe talk. But I wouldn’t know what to say. Kiki and I went back to our room. “Kiki? I forgot to ask you, how old are you?” “I’m almost seventeen, in about a month. You?” “Seventeen in about a week.” “Wow.” Kiki said actually sounding surprised. Like all my other “friends” who didn’t give a crap about me. “Yup. Kiki, I’m going down to the office to pick up my schedule.” “Okay.” I went down to the office again to pick up my schedule. There were four classes I had to go to: 1st- Algebra 2nd-Chemistry 3rd-English 4th-History After those classes were extra curricular activities. I went back up to my room 546B and walked in. I saw Kiki taking off her tee-shirt. “Umm. I’m sorry.” “Hmm? Why?” “I kind of saw you change out of your tee-shirt.” “Oh. Its fine. I’m use to it.” I walked over to my bed feeling a little embarrassed. “I got my schedule.” “Can I see it?” “Sure.”  She took one long glance over it.  “ We have three classes together.” “Which ones?” “English, Algebra II, and History.” “Thats awesome.” I said while smiling “I’m glad I actually have someone in my class.” “Yup.” She said smiling back. “Well it’s pretty late. I guess I’m going to bed. I’ll start class tomorrow. “Night Kiki.” “Goodnight Rita.” So that ends my first day at Harshiki Boarding School. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please comment and tell me what to fix. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoy. Tell me if I should continue. I'm sorry that it's not very good. Its one of my first storys I've written.

I'm in love (Lesbian love story)Where stories live. Discover now