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A book falls in front of my face, startling me. I look up and see my best friend, Seven. His real name is Royce Sanderson but insists on being called Seven. Why? No one knows. He's a six foot blonde headed boy.
"Come on, Miss perfect." He tells me nudging his head towards the door while rolling his brown eyes.
"Hold on, I've got to finish these last questions." I tell him.
"Sis, you've got all the rest of the day to do that. It's the only break of the school day and I'm not letting you waste it on some stupid literacy homework when you have a whole table in the lunch room waiting on you." He tells me.
I roll my eyes, not feeling like listening to his complaints. I shut my book and begin getting up.
"Hell yeah! That's the spirit!" He tells me.
"I can sit back down and open that book back up, you know I will." I threaten.
"Dang. Im sorry, what's got you in this prissy mood today?" He asks as we walk down the hallway.
"My sister was a complete bitch and mom sided with her this morning over a damn apple." I tell him.
"Is the bow in your hair too tight?" He asks flicking the black laced bow in my blonde hair to match my cheer outfit.
I snort and shake my head. He knows how to make me smile. We walk into the lunch room and to the line. I grab a salad and hand the lunch lady a ten dollar bill and tell her to have a nice day, she smiles widely. I wait for Seven to get done and we walk over to our table. I sit next to Ana, my other friend.
"You guys are late." She giggles.
"Well, princess was finishing homework and I had to convince her to come." Seven tells her.
"Did not." I protest, finishing the bite of my apple.
"Oh my gosh. Did you guys see the new guy?" Ana says in a hushed voice.
"Yes! Ugh, he's so hot." Seven says.
"Uh, no. I haven't." I say.
"Well he's staring you down, he's so pretty." Ana says.
"Who are you guys over there flaunting over?" Mason, the star football player asks.
"Oh, you know Bruce over there." I say nodding my head over to my left. Bruce is an emo kid that everyone seems to laugh at. He's atleast 100 pounds, shaggy hair and wears eyeliner.
"Ha, funny." Mason says rolling his eyes at me and turning back to his other friends.
"Look at him! He's all eyes for you." Ana tells me.
I look straight ahead of me and see the new kid staring directly at me. He's atleast six three, 180 pounds of muscle and has tattoos spreading all over his arms and up his neck while adding a nose ring to the mix.
"Oh my God! Yea, I totally want the future delinquent in my pants." I joke.
"Hey, if you don't go after him I will." Seven says.
"Babe, I love you but don't think he's into you." Ana states.
"Whose not into me?" He says rubbing his torso. It makes me and Ana laugh.
God, I'm going to miss these people when we graduate. We might not be far from eachother but we might. I know Seven is going to New York to persue his fashion career and Ana is going into nursing in a near by college. But me? I'm leaving as soon as possible, far away from Denver as I can get.
"Ok, but for real. He's staring at you still." Ana tells me.
I look over at him. He smirks and turns away, continuing his conversation with his friends. I stand up and begin walking over to his table.
"Jordan! What are you doing?" Ana yells at me.
"Let her go, I need entertainment." Seven tells her, I can hear the smile in his voice.
I walk next to the empty chair.
"This taken?" I ask the new kid.
"Yea, by Casper." He tells me, his friends giggles going off around the table. Casper the fucking ghost cartoon.
"Great!" I say sitting down in the chair.
" weren't supposed to sit there, airhead." He tells me. I ignore his comment as his friends giggle again.
I stick my hand out.
"Im Jordan." I fake smile.
"Yea, Im Coleson." He tells me still not shaking my hand.
"And I'm Bryce." One of his friends chimes in and smirks at me. I nod and turn back to Coleson.
"Ok, well I came to introduce myself since you were staring at me like a lost puppy." I say.
"Clever, aren't you" He asks me.
I go to say a remark but I feel warmth behind my back.
"Im Mason." I hear Mason say.
"Cool." Coleson says.
"See you're talking to my girl." Mason says. I roll my eyes in disgust.
"Seems like 'your girl' wants to talk to me." Coleson says throwing up quotes with his fingers.
"That true?" He asks looking down at me.
"Yea, Ill talk to whoever I want. I'm not yours Mason. Keep dreaming big though." I smile standing up.
"Looks like your girl isn't really your girl after all." Coleson says smiling.
"You wait." Mason says.
I walk away, getting tired of hearing their mouths open and moths come out everytime.
"What was that?" Ana asks me as I sit down.
"He called her an airhead and she introduced herself since he was staring at her like a lost puppy." Seven says.
I stare at him.
"What? I took a lip reading class in third grade, leave me alone." Seven defends himself.
I laugh and shake my head.
Coleson doesn't know the ways around here yet. He'll figure it out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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