28. Killing spree

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Rose had just given birth to their twins under the most harrowing circumstances and now, the ominous sound of a gunshot shattered the fragile peace that had barely settled over their mind and home. Kevin was all alert on his senses standing in the hallways, his intuition battling with unpredictability and determination that something was terribly wrong for sure.

He glanced back toward the bedroom where Rose and their newborns were resting, safe for now. The decision gnawed at him, should he stay and protect his family or investigate the threat that lurked within their mansion, their safe boundary? Being unable to put the damn network into any work, he frustratedly threw his phone off and after a moment of agonizing hesitation, he resolved to ensure the safety of his loved ones by confronting the danger head-on.

Kevin hurried downstairs to his study on the first floor. He opened a concealed drawer, revealing a sleek, black handgun. The cold metal felt reassuring in his hand as he checked the magazine and loaded the weapon, preparing for a moment he had hoped would never come during this state of emergency. With a deep breath, he descended the stairs.

In the foyer near the outer main entrance of Knight's mansion, chaos reigned. One of the guards lay motionless on the marble floor, a pool of blood spreading around him. A few panicked guards clustered together, their faces pale with fear and confusion. Nobody had any clue how he got shot out of nowhere.

Kevin’s immediate sharp and commanding voice cut through the chaos. "Call for backup, immediately" he ordered instinctively. But as he pulled out the networking phones at the entrance, he realized the gravity of their situation. The screen flashed with a frustrating message: No Service. The network was completely down all over the mansion. The guards informed him that they were isolated, out of the internet and entirely cut off from the outside world. Due to this, the automatic locks, the digital systems.. nothing was working.

"Sir, we’re surrounded," one of the more experienced guards reported, his voice tense. "It looks like we’re locked inside the mansion," he informed hesitantly.

Kevin’s mind raced with the known pattern, it was identical to before. He felt like his worst fears were coming true. He needed answers and he needed them fast. The basement held a captive who might provide those answers - Adam, his mother’s killer and Rose’s estranged father, he had worked for the Romanos before, and he knew their tactics. Kevin sprinted to the basement, his footsteps echoing off the cold stone walls.

In the dim light of the basement, Adam sat in his cell, shackled and sullen, awaiting his death that seemed to never knock on his door.

"What’s the Romanos’ plan?" Kevin growled directly with a voice of desperation.

"I don’t know," he insisted, his voice shaky but sincere. Kevin approached closer, his gun drawn and without a preamble, he delivered a hard, furious blow to Adam’s face.

Adam, blood trickling from his split lip, looked up with genuine bewilderment.  "I swear, I don’t know. H-he just wants you dead." Kevin scoffed at his words as if he did not know that before. His frustration mounted. His instincts screamed at him to punch him more, even though he had been locked here for months still he worked for them for years, he knew how they always backstab but Adam’s confusion seemed too real to be faked. Before he could press further, one of his men rushed in.

"Sir, there are intruders inside the mansion," he reported.

Kevin, being frustrated clenched his fists. Daniel was still missing and all of his suspicions solidified. It had to be the Romanos, it was them only. This had their rival cousin Tristian’s fingerprints all over it. The Romanos had struck before, eliminating Kevin’s parents like a coward in cold blood. Now, it seemed, they were back to finish the job, purposefully taking advantage of his vulnerability. The sudden incident restricted him from taking proper protocol but how the fuck their man trespassed inside the mansion despite strict security was a question of threat.

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