French revolution and the idea of nation

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The first clear expression of nationalism french revolution 1789 How?The french revolution led to the idea of sovereignty monarchy to body of active citizen. The french revolution 1789 is shift of power.
But how the sence of collective identity amongest the french people was created?

•The idea of la patrie (the fatherland)and le citoyen(the citizen) emphasised the nation of a community enjoy the rights under constitution.
•The tricolour was introduced choosen to replace the formal royal standard.
•The estates genral was elected by the body of active citizen and renamed national assembly.
•New hymes( Bhajan) were introduced,oaths were taken and martyx commenrated all in the name of nation.
•The administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all the citizen within the territory.
•Internal duties and dues were abolished and uniform system of weights and measures was adopted
•Reagional dialects were discouraged , french that was written and spoken in Paris was bacame the common language of the nation

Object of french revolution
-the the French revolutionaries decided that it was the mission and destiny of French revolution to liberate the people from depotism.
-Help the people of europe to bacame nation.

French revolution help all europe through
-jecobin club
-The french armies which moves into Holand, Belgium, Switzerland and much of Italy in 1790s.
-Outbreak of revolutionary wars , the French armies began to carry the Idea of nationalism abroad.

Napoleon and his code
-Napolean set about many of reformse that he had already introduced in France.
-through the return to manarchy Napoleon had no doubt destroyed democracy in France but in administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principals to make the whole system more rational and efficient.

     Civil code of 1804
-Did all the privileges based on birth, established equality before law and secured right to property.
-Napolean simplified  administrative divisions and abolished feaudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
-In town guild system were removed.
-transport and communication system were improved.
Artisian , peasants, workers and new businessman found a new freedom
-Intially in many places such as Holland, Switzerland and as well as certain cities like Brussels,mainz ,Milan and warsaw ,the armies were welcomed as harbingors of liberty.
-But in initial enthusiam soon turned to hostility, as it bacame clear that the new administrative arrangement did not go hand in hand with political freedom.

-Increased in taxes
-Forced consumption into french armies required to conquer rest of europe.
-all seemed to outweigh the advantages of administrative changes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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