more than one chapter?

36 4 3

Chapter 1: [Why are you here?]

It was a sunny morning, birds chirping on the branches of the trees, the blue blue sky above them, the soft breeze making their hair flutter

"Haaa, how the fuck did this happen?" A not so pleasing voice sounded, causing the birds to fly off

A red head sat under the tree looking like a whole storm hit them, rising from his placement he looked towards a cave he seems familiar with at the same time not

He walked infront of the cave, then verified his surroundings -the dark trees standing tall, the sun rays barely passing through, dead and poisonous plants- definitely the forest of darkness. He confirmed

Touching the mana barrier, with a small smile he calmly went through it

'I need to find my dongseang, and fuck up that stupid god!' And angrily stormed into the cave to find his (self-proclaimed) dongseang

Upon entering the cave he saw a villa and quickly ran to the door to knock, but got interrupted when the door opened and fell on top of the person who opened the door

"AH! Human he looks just like you but with black streaks, short hair! And scars!"

He looked up to see a black blob which was actually a baby dragon then turned to the person below him


He immediately felt chills run down his spine especially from a particular blondie. Almost regretting his words he continued but was cut off


"Hyung why are you here? I thought you went on a trip" the red haired man below him smoothly lied and the man on top thought if he should start praying for Thanatos

Someone sneezed in the abyss

"Young master do you know this person?" Inquired an old man who looks to be a butler but looks can be deceiving

"Yes Ron, This is my hyung who went on a trip across the sea" Cale getting help from his hyung he stood up, holding his hand he introduced him

"Everyone meet Kim Hyu In¹ and Kim hyung you already know everyone so I'll just skip the introduction for them" Cale being the lazy man he is, somehow made an excuse to skip some "not so" important thing

A raven stepped up, which subconsciously made Kim flinch
'Hm, its weird... hes powerful at the same level as Cale-nim but he will not break at the slightest touch... he also looks Korean and his name...'

"Kim Hyu In, may I ask why you came here, since you look panicked and..." Kim wonders why Choi Han came to speak first but he swallowed his fear and answered

"Oh, I encountered a problem where the gods are involved or it could be a totally different being" Kim was sweating like crazy at the intense stare he was receiving, putting up an awkward smile, slowly moved behind Cale's back to hide with his hands on his shoulders

'Like dongseang like hyung' everybody thought before focusing back on the pair

A elegant man with blonde hair, greeted Kim with a bright smile but Kim clearly saw jealousy in those eyes but he can't pin point 'why?'

"Kim. How exactly did you get involved with gods? Or the other being you talked about"

"Well... I was just training then I heard some voices talk about a birthday present or something with that I got teleported here...!"

The pity emanating from those eyes made them (Cale N Kim) what to lock themselves in a room and never come out


Light-like mist started to engulf Cale and Kim, making him realise he forgot to tell them one more thing

"Sorry! I forgot to say that I was sent to pick up Cale and wait for one more person!"

With that they disappeared without a trace. Creating panic for the people present


Damn the ending was a little off, meh 🤷🏻‍♀️

Cale03henituse you better have not skipped this chap to read the smut

1. 'Kim Hyu In' pretty good name huh, and I made it up myself!

678 words

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