I Love You's and Sauces

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Buck finds himself staring into his boyfriend's back figure, his bulgy arms exposed on that white tank top that he wore, oh how much he wanted to caress those guns so bad. Buck thought of how grateful he is that he got this hot pilot to be his boyfriend that knows how to make pasta sauce from scratch. This would really elevate Buck's marinara game for his lasagna, but every time he asks Tommy the recipe for his sauce, he always says "It's a family secret recipe". Which made Buck think a little bit further into the future, what if they got married, will he then share the recipe? It is a good incentive to get married, Buck thought, but he's probably getting ahead of himself. That's when the thought popped into his head, they haven't said "I love you" to each other yet.

Buck kept his eyes glued at Tommy who was concocting his super-secret pasta sauce, adding spices, measuring liquids, tasting the pasta sauce after every ingredient added. Buck was at awe just watching his boyfriend cook, how deeply has he fallen for this pilot? Real deep as it seems, if he's thinking about marriage already, even if it is for the weird reasons such as wanting in on that secret family pasta sauce recipe.

"I-I love you, Tommy." Buck blurted out as he stopped chopping the iceberg lettuce. He himself was also taken aback by the sudden surge of confidence - and also probably stupidity - that went through him that resulted in him saying those three words. He'd only said those words to one person before in the past and that didn't work out so well, so what changed? Other than the fact that he said it first. It may sound cheesy, but the only answer Buck could think of was everything. Tommy changed everything he knew about love.

What it means to love, what it takes to love, what it feels to be loved. Although, it's hard to fully know how the last one really feels without having to actually hear the exact same words from the mouth of the one you love with your whole heart.

Tommy turns around and faced Buck, his mouth slightly open as if he was about to say something but couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

Buck looks at Tommy who's utterly puzzled. His heart skips a beat, and the rush of blood comes racing through his brain then back to his system. "I know it's probably too early in the relationship to say that but it's how I feel." Buck looks down at his hands still frozen in place, breathing hitched, mind scrambling. "About you." He dared himself not to look up several times, but curiosity got the better of him.

He looked.

Buck found Tommy staring at him as their eyes meet. Tommy's blues eyes hinted nothing but full of wonder and at the same time vulnerability. Silence filled the room, to which Buck interprets this as Tommy's answer, well two answers actually. One, he couldn't say it back, not yet. Or two, he didn't want to say it back, which undoubtedly is the worse answer between the two. Buck continued chopping the iceberg lettuce to add to the salad so that the eerie silence could be replaced by something other than utter nothingness.

"You don't have to say it back, just... I want you to know that I do. You know? Love you." Buck added weakly smiling as he looks back at Tommy again searching for actual answers on his eyes because at this point, he'd rather have that than a pure scathing unanswered confession of love. Buck's inner thoughts are scrambling again. Maybe it is really too early in the relationship to say that. What if he scared Tommy by saying those three measly words? Buck thinks he's an idiot for saying it in the first place. But he just couldn't help himself, he's fallen for the first guy he ever had a relationship with and fall HARD he did.

Tommy smiled lovingly at Buck, almost to the point of crying. His heart was welling with immense intoxication as he puts down the wooden spoon that he'd been using to stir the pasta sauce with and walked towards Buck then giving him his most heartfelt embrace that he could give.

I Love You's and Sauces (A Tevan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now