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As I lift my bag onto the train, I see someone come up behind me. They are engrossed in a magazine, which for some reason they are reading upside-down. I jump off the train and gently grab their shoulders before they trip over my cat's basket. She folds up her magazine and I see her face. She has bright-blue eyes, long wavy blonde hair and is wearing strange radish earrings. 'Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Normally, the nargles would tell me," she says in a soft voice, 'I'm Luna, Luna Love good, what's your name?" "I'm Naomi Gray, I used to go to Ilvermorny, I explain, My mother and I moved here to be closer to the Order of the Pheonix during the war.' I lift my cat's basket onto the train and walk down to try and find a compartment. 'Are you an eighth year?" asks Luna and I nod. 'Come to our compartment then.' I follow her down the train to what appears to be a normal compartment. But when we step inside, I gasp. Some one must have cast an enlargement charm on it because it is big enough for at least 20 people. Quite a few people are sat inside balking and texting on their phones.

The first person I noticed is. Harry Potter. He is sat with two people who must bye Ron and Hermione, talking avidly. Then Ispota boy with pale golden hair sat with a friendly arm. around a pretty, dark-haired girl. When she sees us, she jumps up and hugs me. 'Um, hi.'I say akwardly and hug her back. You must be Naomi Gray, the newg irl!'she squeals. 'Yes lam Naomi! I say, How do you know my name? She pulls out her phone and opens an email.

M. McGonagall@hogwarts.com:
Morning students,
I know you will all be happy to be bringing phones hones and devices. I would like you all to welcome the new student, Naomi Gray, a transfer from Ilvermorny. I'll see you at school, Prof. McGonagall.

I sit down even though everyone is staring and take my phone out of my pur-handbag. I have an identical email 'what's your number so I can add you to the group ? ' Pansy asks. and I recite it. She taps quickly on her phone and mine pings. I open the chat and am bombanded with hellos. I introduce myself and send a photo. Everyone does the same and I try to remember all the names. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, Cho, Pansy, Theo, Hermione, Blaise, Hannah, Neville, Dean, Mattheo, Enzo, Seamus and more. The train abruptly starts and I am thrown into Draco on my right. I apologise and sit up. About half an hour later, I feel a tap on my right shoulder. Ilookinto the bag he offers me and it is full of muggle snacks. I grab a pepsi and thank him. He takes out a laptop, plugs in earphones and offers me one. 'You sure?' lask and he nods. He pulls up a pefilm and I see Pansy watching. She is sat with her head on Blaise's lap. When I look up from the film, Pansy and Blaise are mid kiss. I grab my wand and conjure curtaing around them.

After the movie finishes, I move the curtains and we all start to change into our robes. 'What house are you?' asks Harry. 'Ravenclaw but we all have classes to ge ther so does it really matter? Ireply. He shrugs and I pack my stuff up into my purse. How do you fit everything into your bag? asks Draco. 'Secrets' I reply. It's actually an undetectable extension charm. I take out some cat treats and open Silver's basket. I lift him out and he is met by a chorus of awws. I feed him and buck him back into him blanket. Isit back down and try to fall asleep but the seat back is really uncomfortable Draco notices my discomfort. and offers me his shoulder. I blush and shake my head. Instead, he transfigures a coin into a cushion and hands me it. I lean into it and quickly fall asleep.

I am veryyy excited to ve republishing this story after re-writing it. Please let me know if it's any good and any improvements I could make, love you all xxx

𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 a Mattheo Riddle x O.C 8th YearWhere stories live. Discover now