8 - Hero in the Series Always Came Late.

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The last second days of summer.

And here I am.

Freaking burn by those fire grill of steak in the summer festival.

Eurgh people.

People everywhere.

And I am one of them too.

"Seriously, why am I doing this?"

"Because your mother asked you too."

Oh, I almost forgot his role in this story. So glad he still got his play in here.

"Let me remind you that she is your sister too, perv uncle."

"I am more than feel honor that you're still lending your hand instead of your hatred on me." so full of sarcasm with those pure printing faces on him.

The clink of the tongs on those grill spread enough about my emotion at the moment. Even though it didn't surface on my feature but I do hope this mindless uncle can get what I mean.

"Because I am a good daughter. Unlike the others who claimed on our side and against their parents."

His casual raised shoulder only grows my grunt even more. "I just defend justice here."

Throwing a deadpan on my face on his response as I continue to do my deed. "And justice always loses in the end."

"Just go grill that steak, [Name]. Nothing related to justice while burning that meat there."

"What do you think am I doing right now? Fishing?"

Seriously, why am I here? Why would I care to do this?

Commotion committed by the crowd created by some of the people distracting my mind from wondering about questioning my life.

I thought my eyes are playing a trick here after I saw a bunch of those clowns classmates having a ruckus their wallet have been stolen.

Every single person in front of me slapping their front and back pants, checking up if they are the victims before another screaming about their wallet gone screaming into my eardrum.

My empty hand trailing over my back pants under consciousness.


And I don't think the mustache green top ahead me is that safe after out of nowhere superbike falling from his back.

Should I act kinda of shock or synonymous with those words after that huge bike suddenly toppled on that man? Because where the hell is that transport coming from?

From here I could see the familiar fuzzy green haired vibrating while wearing those stupid faces and sticking his tongue out like a dead dog. Chanting a sentence of alienated phrases I couldn't decipher from what planet he was saying.

I guess his wallet is one of the victims too. After I heard Nendo and Kaido yelling as well tells the whole world theirs were too.

On behalf of them, I don't even surprised.

"Aren't they your classmates–?"

"No." How did this perv uncle know they're?

A dozen wallets came out and fell onto the sandy floor, calling out those attention as the fell man rushed to hide suspiciously.

Oh my you aren't going anywhere under my watch, you dumb thief!

"Over there!" My feets heedlessly stumble on the table as the spatula lifted from the stove. Guess I'm so lucky my body won't even sway straight to the floor but towards the thief. The rough voice from my uncle booming through my ears.

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