23. Prisoner

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𝐈𝐟 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝,
𝐈 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝.

The 17-year-old young boy stood drenched in his mother's blood, the crimson liquid tracing down his body, spreading across the floor turning the once white floor tiles into a dreading scarlet sea. He felt his burning lungs out of the air, his heated pulse racing, and his mouth hung open but was devoid of any power to form any word. He wanted to cry out, somehow halt the relentless blood oozing out of his dead mother's mouth but with each passing moment, he felt himself turning to a stone as the crushing reality was seeping into his bones and obliterating his soul.

He had no glint of remorse for the pile of dead men before him and the lifeless blood soaked bodies scattered all around him, nor did he care. He remained unflinching, his hands were not even trembling for once when he shot the man in between his eyes who had murdered his father, using his younger brother's hand to pull the trigger ... that was the first kill he committed that night, also in his seventeen years of life. What followed was a brutal dance of vengeance and a game of fun, his eyes were burning with an urgent thirst for blood when he slaughtered one trespasser after another. He spared no one ... not a single life, not until he had sated his murderous, vile urges, swearing an oath to annihilate anyone who dared to lay a hand on his parents, his family.

In that single harrowing night, he not only lost the reassuring presence and shelter of his father but also the only woman in the world who used to love him boundlessly, his mother.

That woman had poured her soul, devoted her whole life for her beloved children's future driven by the desperate need of protecting her children from the abyss that had once consumed her life. She tirelessly urged her husband to abandon his shady doings and through her relentless efforts, he ever immersed in her love chose the brighter path. Together they built several legitimate businesses to secure a safe future for their children shielding them from a history of battle marred by blood, peril and deceit.

Even though others in the blood line made fun of it, his mother still rejected the fancy names according to the tradition of the Don's family for her children and named them unassuming simpler ones so that they can easily delve into normalcy. From the moment her eldest son entered high school, she planted a seed of ambition, carefully nurturing his dream of becoming a successful businessman. Together, the couple kept their three children insulated from the shadows of their past, cocooning them in warmth and safety.

Yet, the fragile sanctuary they had built was shattered in an instant, the darkness they feverishly fought to escape came back with a face of vengeance from her own brothers. His mother was promised to someone even before her birth but she dared to defy against it in the name of love. So, they were bound to set an example of punishing their betrayers .. be it their own blood .. they couldn't care less.

As they say, if you spend so long trapped in the dark, then the darkness begins to stare back at you.

Until that day, Kevin did not know the side he carried within him for his entire seventeen years of life. But he made sure to haunt them back to their safe den. He retrieved all his father's possessions and spread them even more along with the ventures his mother once dreamt about. Bright or dark, he was dominating both sides from a very young age catching even more envious eyes from their remaining enemies. But he never forgot, hell he never forgave .. not like he has any intention to.

He worked hard, conquered over all the ways of treachery, with lost innocence, he was rewarded with irreverence. No, he doesn't remember a single woman interested in him without being lurked by the surging wealth and the heavy name he carries with him but when he set his eyes on this girl, he was amused by her unbotherness of the surrounding world. Her innocence consumed his soul, mind, body. That pole apart nature, that unearthly qualities made him intrigued. So, he had his ways with her, he did not care about the alternatives for once. That was exactly what he was used to doing, claim and possess.

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