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Vardaan rajwanshi how you suddenly start feeling for me.

Some monthes before you are in love with someone else.

And now you suddenly say that i love you niharika.

I means how.

Do you even know the meaning of love.

Don't dare to play with me again.

If this time you are playing with me. I really gone kill you for real.

Got it Mr. Vardaan rajwanshi


Riya wedding reception party is going on suddenly a big projector start.

All the gaze of each person present in the party went to the projector.

The video start .

Vihu is in a room.

The room is fully decorated with white and red color flowers.

Vihu speak with excitement

So my dear hubby and his family .

I know you all have one question where are you .

So i am here in the **********" Villa

Yes so i want to tell you everyone something .

So me and atharav.

Yes me and atharv is gonna be parent so soon.

Yeeeeeeeeees i am pregnant ........

She said while just jumping in the excitement.

A smile appear on Everyone  face present in the party.

While Atharva eyes filled with tears.

He cannot believe he gonna be a dad very soon.

But everyone happiness is just meant for sometime.

The next part of the video.

Made everyone numb or you can say shock.

Even atharv
fell on his knees.

A tear start flowing from his eyes.

He said in broken voice.

No you can't leave me like this jannaa........

You promise me you never gonna leave me. ....

Noooooo he said while suddenly a snipper firing voice make everyone present in the party to ran here to there in party to save themself.

While Atharv is still kneel down in the ground. &

Suddenly two people came in front of Atharva while carrying a grave. 

Atharva stood up from the ground while he is panicking. his past hit him back and now his present is like a hell for him.

He opened the grave box with his shaking hands ......

Only to get breakdown and kneel down again . .............

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