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Marjorie's POV

Reece is dropping me off at work today as my car is broken
Speaking of that he's just pulled up outside my house
"Hi Reece" I hug him just a friendly hug though
"Hi Marjie" he hugs me back
I get in his car and we are off to the nursery as it's a good 20 mins away
We arrive and he walks me inside
"Reece you know you don't have to walk me inside"
"Well I want to" he laughs
I go to my office and sit down then the phone rings
"Hello the nursery" I say
"Marjorie please can we finish our date"
"No Kenny I'm with Reece" and I put the phone down then my eyes widen to what I just said
"You what" Reece says
I run over to Reece and put my hand on his shoulder and begin to cry of embarrassment
"Hey it's okay" Reece tries to calm me but I just collapse into his chest
"I can't believe I said th-" and I'm cut off by me crying into Reece's chest
"It's okay I get you had to get Kenny off the phone"

Reece's POV

I can't believe Marjie said that
Well I mean I wouldn't complain if I was with her but yeah
I'm just stood there with marj crying into my chest with my arms wrapped around her
I'm pretty sure she fell asleep so I move her to the sofa in her office and I sit there with her laying on my shoulder
Then autumn walks in and sits down at her desk "What's is this" she makes a circle with her pointy finger laughing
"Well Marjie said something she didn't mean to and began to cry and just collapsed into my chest and fell asleep" I say in a whisper voice
"As much as I'd be disgusted if you two were together" autumn says
"We aren't getting together!!" I whisper yell
"You two are quite cute together"
I hide my smile then Marjie wakes up and sits up like nothing happened "hey autumn"
Autumn raises her eyebrows "you really acting like you weren't asleep on Reece"
"Was I now"

Marjorie's POV

Reece leaves and I sit in my chair
"Autumn" I ask
"Yes" she says but doesn't look at me


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