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May you, esteemed cultivator, discover your destiny within these sacred gardens

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May you, esteemed cultivator, discover your destiny within these sacred gardens. Led by one of our fellow cultivators, you shall enter a realm like no other.

In the cradle of jade and gold,Where whispers of ancient tales unfold,Lies the garden,Yù Huā Garden's embrace,A realm where destiny finds its grace

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In the cradle of jade and gold,
Where whispers of ancient tales unfold,
Lies the garden,
Yù Huā Garden's embrace,
A realm where destiny finds its grace.

Among the emerald leaves and bloom,
Where peonies and plum trees loom,
The air is sweet with wisdom's song,
Guiding souls where they belong.

Through the gates of crimson and jade,
Step the seekers, unafraid,
Each footfall on the cobbled path,
A journey to escape the wrath.

By moonlit ponds and silken streams,
Where lotuses cradle their dreams,
Cultivators tread with purpose pure,
In Yù Huā Garden's realm, their spirits endure.

The bamboo sways with secrets old,
Of sages wise and warriors bold,
In quiet groves where shadows play,
The past and future gently sway.

With every step, the heart grows light, I
n the garden's glow, in the evening's twilight,
Where stars weave tales in the celestial dome,
Each soul discovers, this is home.

With every step, the heart grows light, In the garden's glow, in the evening's twilight,Where stars weave tales in the celestial dome,Each soul discovers, this is home

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