𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 19( 𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑎 2)

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"Will you marry me?" He asked.

4 words, 14 letters, one sentence, one question– it keeps echoing through my mind. I couldn't talk or speak-all I could feel was disgust.

He looked at me in a way, which made him look as if he done nothing wrong which made me disgust more.
"Amelia? Hello?" 

Main silence.
"Sir I-" I couldn't end my sentence and I felt a drop of sweat dripping down my jawline and my fingers were shaking as I looked down to see them.
Mr. Williams put his right hand on my left shoulder and then told me to clam down. Then I suddenly pushed his hand away and I didn't know why. He threw me a skeptical look as if I did something wrong.
He cleared his throat and looked on the ground while spreading his legs while resting his hands on his knees.

"I..." I stuttered "I do not want to marry you" he immediately looked at me and stood up.
"I completely understand, Amy. Well do you mind if I just-"
"Stop!" I shouted. I had a sudden reaction- I don't know what I was feeling, it's like I had mixed emotions all at once.

We had another silence until I took a deep breath and said:"I am very hurt at the moment, especially after Chris' death. Since I have his child-ours, it is quite hard for me to raise her. My friends said they've got time to help me raise her but may I ask you why exactly you want to help or let's say marry me?"

"I just want to help that's all. But if you don't marry me, you won't be paid enough to raise your baby, but if you do marry me, you'll have it easier, since your boyfriend or husband died."

I sighed and then said "I do still love him but I need to think about it. So it means I still get paid if I stay single, won't I?"

"Yeah but since I'm your boss, I still have to pay you, but of course the harder you work, the more you get paid but of course as a pregnant woman, it isn't your fault but these are the rules, for not working enough. I hope this answers your question."

"I will think about it then, boss."
"Call me Rhys- my name."

I nodded while looking at the ground.

"Let me know, if you made up your decision alright? Of course you can contact me every time you want to talk about this. I hope I will see you soon, Amelia."
I gave him a small smile trying to hide the disgust in me as he left and closed the door behind him. All of the sudden, I felt a very very gross feeling especially in my vagina... I didn't know what to do. I heard then my Chloé crying and went to her room. I picked her up in my arms, I soothed her until she calmed a bit while I walked around the house until I reached the kitchen. I sat on the kitchen chair and breastfed her. I was admiring her cuteness and her tiny little eyes closing to be falling back to sleep.  I just love my babygirl so much.

I put Chloé back to her bed and went to take a nap after a rough day. It was almost 9 pm. I went to my room, got on bed and slept on the side where Chris used to sleep. I sighed and just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

I had my eyes shut the whole night, I couldn't sleep, I still felt that feeling I had once my boss "proposed" to me. My vagina felt weird and I hated it. It was gross and I didn't felt uncomfortable. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone to see what time it was and it was already 2:53. I sighed and went to Chloé's room to check on her, so I stood and headed towards her room. As I opened the door and approached her, she was suddenly gone.
I panicked and turned on the lights to make sure I was just imagining things but I wasn't. I looked at the window and saw it broken. I got really worried and I dropped my head on my head and rushed to grab my phone from my bed, as I went to grab it, I called 911 for help while sobbing.

"911 what's your emergency?"
"My daughter got kidnapped and I really need your help. She is newborn and I woke up in the middle of the night to make sure and then she-"
"Ma'am please calm down. What's your name? What is her name? What's your address?"

"I'm Amelia Anderson and...my daughter's name is Chloé Anderson. I live in high Street 45 please come!" I was sobbing and I went down to the ground.

"Alright. We'll send some policemen over there."
They hung up and I cried harder. My babygirl was gone and I didn't know if I'm getting her back or if she's alive or dead yet. Oh my lord please help me.

I cried really hard and waited patiently for the police to come while hugging my knees to my chest.
I heard a knock on the door and I rushed to open them for cops and as I did they searched over the house but one stayed with me to probably ask questions or even confront me.

She was a black woman and she hugged me.

"Everything will be alright, I promise" was what she told me
I hugged her tight and sobbed until her police uniform got wet by my tears and I kept screaming "find my Chloé please... I'm begging you, I want my babygirl back."

After some minutes the policemen came back to us and told us they had found fingerprints on the window and that they'll find the kidnapper. I thanked them and asked them what I shall do now.

"Do you maybe have any partner or a family member who can stay with you?"

I shook my head.
"Alright.. what about a friend maybe?" She asked
"Yes I do, officer." I answered her.

"Alright. Do you mind calling her and letting me talk to her on your phone?"
"Y-yes of course!" I grabbed my phone while shaking. I called Lilith and she picked up the phone.

"What's up?" Was what she said.
The black police officer took my phone and talked to her. She explained her my situation and told her to come and confront me.

"Oh my goodness! I am on my way!" Lilith said and hung up the phone. I looked at the police woman and asked her if there are any known kidnappers who would do anything like this.

She nodded and told me about a few kidnappers but she said that they are going to find out who had kidnapped my daughter, since they've got their fingerprint.

Lilith arrived and gave me a tight hug and I saw the worries in her eyes. Me and her got in and sat on the sofa while the policemen and the black lady had left.

Lilith and I stayed up all night and she confronted me. Lily called Vicky to come but Vicky didn't pick up, she is  probably sleeping.

We stayed up until morning but we were really tired and fell back asleep.

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