𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵, 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘵

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It is strange. There is a sun above, only one and nothing else.

It is there, above our heads, giving light, giving life. It gives us many things.

It allows us to exist as humanity and is so kind that it lets us rest with its farewell, day by day, to let the night come so our eyelids can close.

There is the sun, there is the moon. There are the stars.

All above.

And below here, there is us.

What can we give?

Words. Actions. More words.

A voice... Yes, a voice.

Words with our voice.

And sometimes, even our efforts are not enough, because we choose to be mute instead of expressing our love with the voice that was given to us.

The sun is up there, it has no voice and yet it shines. And down are we, who rather to remain silent.

↪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

He took a long drink from his water bottle. After using his voice so much, his mouth felt dry and all he wanted was to get rid of that feeling.

After all, practices at the Drama Club when there was a musical, left him toast.

Lee Seokmin was the student with the best voice in his generation, no exaggeration. And that left him being the most suitable for that type of play because he was the perfect protagonist taking into account his natural talent for singing and that he was a good actor.

Junhui, the leader of the Drama Club, had chosen him to act as King Arthur in the new autumn play. And he'd gladly accepted.

But that required the constant use of his voice and in practice he always ended up exhausted. Like at that moment, that he finished the entire bottle of water and he rested a bit, looking towards the stage where the other members of the club kept moving scenery, things from here to there.

Junhui, his friend, coordinated them all in an orderly and diligent manner. Seokmin smiled at the sight of him and leaned back more comfortably in one of the seats in the amphitheater.

He closed his eyes, thinking that even though he was a first-year, he was already considered one of the most valued and beloved members of the club. Junhui was a second year student and belonged to his group of friends as well.

Or rather, Junhui dated Wonwoo who was Mingyu's best friend, who in turn was from the same group and year as Seokmin and also dated Wonwoo's boyfriend's best friend, who was Minghao, who had taken a liking to him quickly and treated him like his baby to Mingyu's annoyance.

He was the third wheel when he was with his club leader and Wonwoo, or when he was with the inseparable duo that made up M & M.

"Have you finished rehearsal yet? You've been working very hard."

Seokmin immediately opened his eyes upon recognizing that voice.

Being in the row of seats in front, that young man was standing between the space of the stage and the seats, observing the movement of the students working with the materials of the scenery.

Seokmin gulped and blinked several times, looking at the third year boy who had approached him.

He wasn't a stranger, not at all, he belonged to his group of friends, and he had acquired a fondness for Seokmin enough to become the closest to him (well, after Jeonghan and Jun, since he obviously had more closeness with them for the time he'd known them).

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