Issue 1: Hedgehog Day Afternoon

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Movie Sonic: Could this be the end of our intrepid heroes? Will their crusade against crime get locked away in a vault of despair? Can anyone out there hear them as they cry... Was the world not ready to meet The Spiny Sentinel?!

Tails: Can you stop the monologue, Sonic? I'm trying to think.

Knuckles: Exactly! Shut the fu-!

12 Hours Earlier. Green Hills, Montana

Maddie: Bye, boys! I have to get to the clinic. Promise me you'll stay out of trouble until Tom and Wade get back from their trip.

Tails: Don't worry Maddie! We'll be good!

Movie Sonic: Oh, sure, Maddie. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Just gonna get in a little us time. Yessir... Not any problem hanging out. Absolutely NO crushing loneliness setting in. Plus I have people to talk.

Movie Sonic: Okay, it's been seven minutes. I can't take this anymore!

(On the floor, Team Sonic were playing cards and betting Cosmic Brownies)

Tails: Does anyone got ones?

Sonic: Go fish!

Tails: SHIT!

Sonic: Haha! Give me them brownies!

Movie Sonic: A little lightspeed socialization never hurt anybody. I did it for years before these guys found me out, right?

Ozzy: Hrmm?

Movie Sonic: Shhhh! Don't tell anyone, Ozzy, or it's no more table scraps from me. Ay, guys? Wanna go for a run?

Knuckles: (Not paying attention) Nah, we're good.

Movie Sonic: Alright then.

(Movie Sonic zoomed out the door)

Sonic: You do know we gotta make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Right?

Knuckles: UUUUUUGHHHH!!! But it's so peaceful without him! Tails, back me up!

Tails: He's right Knuckles.

Knuckles: See, this is why the fandom doesn't like you.

Sonic: Alright guys, quit the bickering and let's go get him.

(Sonic and Knuckles ran out the door, but Tails stayed for a bit, he grabbed the brownies and shoved them in his tails)

Tails: (Mumbling) I'm getting my brownies back!

(Green Hills)

Movie Sonic: (Narrating) The citizens of Green Hills. They're my people. They love me! Even when the only folks I can actually interact with are the ones I make myself.

(The trio run past what looks like a crime scene with snowmen)

Sonic: What in the world?!

Movie Sonic: (Narrating) I mean, some of them still think I'm an escaped Government experiment or mass hallucination... But I'm an adorable hallucination. It's a simple relationship really. I stay out of sight, yet they offer an open-door policy at most high-end eateries. (Not Narrating) And occasionally, I use my wickedly cool powers to protect them from the forces of evil. Though there's only been one force of evil so far... Am I slipping in my old age? (As SGT. Sprinkles) "Aw shucks, Sonic. Everyone knows you're a hero." Please, SGT. Sprinkles. You're too kind. If only I could be a real hero... A mysterious avenger with a tough-sounding name like "The Electric Hog"! (As SGT. Sprinkles) "That sounds pretty cool!"

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