Disclaimer: No, I don't own anything...
Now that that's out of the way...I wrote this piece for an English assignment; we were told to pick a color and to write poetry or a story on it-this is the edited version for the fanfiction world.
This is from the movie, The Village; I had to write this—I know that the movie came out forever ago, but it is still one of my favorite movies of all time.
~Blind Girl Who Sees~
Ivy Walker was a blind girl. She only saw black. Black, which was the literal absence of colors in the world. And yet, by some miracle, she can still see a few colors in the darkness.
She knew what they were—the blues of the sky, the green grasses, and all the colors of the flowers on the hill and meadow were cemented in her memory. She was young when she lost her sight, so much so that she hadn't even learned to read. But she knew her colors.
Somehow, she still sees a few colors through the darkness she lives in.
Her father has a color. Whenever he is near, she sees how he gives off a golden aura. An aura without shape or form, just a mist through the darkness. She always had a special bond with her father. They were kindred spirits that shared the same love of knowledge and caring nature. They both care so much that they would do anything to protect those they love, even from nightmares and demons that don't exist.
Lucius has a color—one that she saw since they were children and played upon the hills with the others. He would hold her hand to guide her and make sure she didn't fall. He would keep her up when she tripped, and always looked out for her. His color is red. When she sees that misty color in her blank world, she knows that he is nearby, and that they are both safe.
When Percy hurt Lucius, she couldn't see his color. She had never been more frightened in all her life. That is why she braved Those-We-Do-Not-Speak-Of, and traveled through the woods and to the towns. She loved him, and he her, and nothing scared her more than a world without her true love. To not see that red everyday around the village was terrifying to think of.
Eventually, once Lucius was healed and the next summer had returned, they were wed. She wakes up to him every morning, and listens to him breathing as he sleeps, a hand resting on her swollen abdomen and her back pressed up against his chest as he holds her in his protective and loving embrace.
He was terrified when he learned that she had braved the woods for his life—he had been willing to go himself, but he would never ask that she risk herself in any way. The only thing that ever scared him was the thought that she was in danger. It had been that way since he had stopped holding her hand when she was a young girl. That was why he was always sitting on her porch, feeling her presence and knowing that she was safe.
Ivy listened to the voices around her. She heard the changes in their breathing, the shaking of a toe on the ground, the slightest stutter in the spoken words. She sees the world in a way that no one else can, seeing past what the rest of them see, to what lies underneath. She can tell who walks beside her by the sound of the steps that accompany the individual.
Sometimes, people are almost afraid to talk to her, knowing that she would see through their farse confidence and lies. Yet they know she is wise, and that they could never hide anything from her. Ivy Hunt would whittle out the truth anyway. She knew the happenings of the village; always aware of everything. People would come to her when they needed comfort, advice, or even someone to just listen. She has influence among the villagers and is respected by all those around her.
She lives in a world without color, and yet she lives her life in a way unique to all others. She will live her life to the fullest, seeing things beyond what others will see on the surface.
She sees the world, just not as we do.

Blind Girl Who Sees
FanfictionFanfiction about the movie The Village. It is amazing, so here is a one-shot about Ivy Walker, and her life in the Village