The Bear Named Bear

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"Dude, you're totally perving on those guys aren't you?"

"Well, are you checking out the ladies?" Tyler asked Logan looking him right in the eye. "Cuz I'm just checking out what I like."

Logan laughed at his girlfriend's roommate. This was his first time really talking with him. When Autumn told him she was living with a guy this year, he'd been pretty nervous. He knew what guys were like and he didn't exactly relish some dude checking out his lady 24/7. Autumn assured him Tyler was gay so it wasn't going to be a problem.

 "So you check out guys like the rest of us look at women?" Logan asked. After he'd met Tyler, he didn't really believe this whole gay thing. The guy acted totally normal, like any other guy. He loved sports and drank cheap beer like any other college man so it didn't fit with his impression of gays.

"Why not? Doesn't hurt anyone and I like the free show," Tyler grinned evilly at Logan. "I'm eyeing you up right now."

"Dude!" Logan exclaimed. "You are not checking me out, are you?" He had never considered that. It was a very warm September day at the University of Minnesota campus and they'd shed their shirts while walking down the street toward Coffman Hall. Lots of guys were shirtless today and Logan didn't even notice it until now.

"Naw," Tyler punched Logan and laughed. "Just yanking your chain. I'm into hot guys not skinny nerds." Tyler had been checking out the sweet abs of his roommate's boyfriend but he wasn't going to admit that to Logan. But, it didn't hurt to let Logan stew just a little about guys checking out other guys. He noticed Logan had kind of started strutting a bit after his comment. Everyone likes a little attention now and then. It brings out the rooster in everybody.

 "I gotta meet Autumn in here. You've got class now?" Logan asked.

 "Yeah, first day of American Lit II. Figured I'd enjoy the sun as long as possible." Tyler saluted and ran off toward Dixon Hall where his classroom was. He hoped there'd be some hunks in his class. He wouldn't mind a little eye candy to keep the rest of the morning interesting. Boring class otherwise, he figured. Maybe he could even make a connection. Tony's late night booty texts were getting old. Better than nothing, but someone to hang out with AND play around with would be cool.

As he neared the entrance, he saw that crazy old lady with the shopping cart full of old newspapers and clothes and heading right for him. He wasn't afraid of her, she was a fixture on the campus, but he'd rather avoid her if he could. She was talking to herself and gesturing wildly to her left. Her white, greasy hair stood up and made her look like a skeletal female version of Einstein. Only where Einstein had been a genius, this old lady was just nuts.

 Tyler stepped off into the grass to evade her craziness. "Find the bear, and you'll find love," the old bat said. Tyler just kept moving, his sandy blonde head down, trying to ignore her. "Son, hey, boy, find the bear and you'll find love," she called out again.

 Tyler snuck a peek back and she was definitely talking to him. She was no longer conversing with the invisible people in her head but looking right at him. "Whatever," he snorted and walked quickly up the stairs to the red brick classroom building. He opened the door and walked inside and away from the old banana nut muffin outside. People like her should be in a hospital or something. Leaving them to wander about the campus wasn't safe. Not for her and definitely not for the rest of them.

 Tyler's classroom was big and the number of people in the group as he entered was pretty small. At the head of the room in front of a blackboard and behind a lectern was a tired looking woman with dark black hair. He presumed that was the professor. She was pulling papers from a satchel and checking off things on a piece of paper. He didn't recognize anyone in the room which wasn't surprising. Given how big the campus was it was rare he knew another student. Sometimes he was shocked to find someone from his apartment complex or from his freshman dorm. Not today. It was just a small group of mostly women *groan* and a few guys, most of whom were pretty plain looking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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