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A girl was tied to a bed in a dark room. Only moonlight was present .She's unconscious, she doesn't know what's happening around her. She was wearing a bride gown, her face had a lite make-up, her hair was tangled.She should be in a wedding hall but ended up tied to bed.

She slowly woke up, her mind was confused why she was in a room. She tried to move her hands but they were tied up. She shouted "Hello is anyone there?". There was no response. She was about to shout again but she heard someone saying "Hello my little rose".She knows this voice. How can she forget that voice which made her life miserable, but still She was praying to God that it shouldn't be the person she's thinking about, but little Miss can't accept the fact that it's him.

His steps echoes in the room. Her heart started beating faster when she saw tattoos on his right hand.
Her breaths were uneven, her heart skipped a beat and a tear fell from her eye, when she saw his face. Her world turned up and down. It's him. He came back.

She tried to free her body cause she knew if she stayed a little more here her heart will explode. Seeing her struggle he said "calm down baby". His words terrified her more. he settled himself on a mattress beside her before saying "How are you little rose, missed
me". She isn't in a state to answer him. Fear took over her, seeing him after 7 years made her horrified. She was crying cause it's hard for her to handle this. By gathering courage she slowly said
"Please let me go". He chuckled listening her words "I know you would probably say this, baby I got you after 7 years and you want me to let you go?". She whispered "please". He travels his hand on her cheek saying " you have became more beautiful little rose"

She has to do something, she should stop him, she knows he won't listen to her but still she tried " I'm married, I have to go to my husband leave me he must be waiting for me". She thought he would leave her if she said she's married but his reply shocked her "Husband, my little rose got married, ok tell me what you want as a marriage gift, I was planning to give you your husband's head, is it ok for you?". "No no he doesn't know who you are ,leave him please don't hurt him" she said while crying. "Kitten I got you after 7 years and your going to live with me from now on and don't you dare take his name in front of me. Your marriage doesn't bother me baby as long as you're with me I don't care about anything and you can't escape from me like you did before, got it".

He opened her hands, without wasting a second she tried to run away from him towards the door but he captured her in his arms. She struggled in his arms to free her self "Jungkook leave me". Her brave act made him smile a bit, "My name from your mouth sounds heavenly love ,baby take rest you can try this act tomorrow" he said calmly. " Good night little rose" With that he left that room leaving her all alone.

She fall on her knees crying hard remembering her past. She saw her wedding ring and she couldn't control her tears. It was her marriage day but she's stuck with another man. Not knowing where her husband was making her feel broken.

She took that ring towards her heart and started sobbing. She went towards the door and banged on it while shouting "Jungkook open the door please, please let me go, please".

Her wedding night became a worst nightmare for her. She should be with her husband enjoy their wedding but she's traped somewhere. She don't even know how her husband was. Her mind keeps questioning her 'is he safe?'
'Where he could be?' 'how he could be?'

Little rose was waiting for the moment to escape this DEVIL'S CAGE ..................


Author's Note:
Hello lovies thank you for selecting this book, hope you like this story.
Sorry if there's any mistake, or if this book made you feel uncomfortable, it was my first fiction. So hope you forgive me.
Darlings please vote this book if you like and share you thought's in the comment section and share your opinions with me.
Hope you're enjoying reading this book. See you soon bye sweetie's

~your Author Honey

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