Push Fraiki Push!

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Yet again her battle was lost. No matter how hard she tried (not recommended) she couldn't move it. With a sigh she washed her hands and left the sacred throne room. At this rate I am going to explode, I need to find a way to win this battle. She thought.

She snuck past the other inn guests, lest she have to socially interact with a human being, and slipped into a cleaning cupboard. In case you were wondering, no she didn't pay for this..."room" nor did she even attempt to talk to the inn's staff. She just snuck past, using her liz...dragon skills and happened upon this under used cupboard. She curled up on an open box of toilet rolls as the rusty cogs of her mind started to move for the first time in years. Amazingly she almost managed to have a decent thought. I should ask chat gpt. She dove into her phone rapidly typing out her question into the text box. She waited impatiently as a list of solutions were typed out on the screen. She quickly scanned through them ignoring any solution that involved: less eggs, drinking coffee or eating healthily including lots of fibre, until she found the easiest temporary solution; with about 14 different possible side effects, Dulcolax. She quickly searched up where to find the miraculous drug, making the incredulous mistake of asking chat gpt instead of just searching through google. The AI wrote her a wonderful story providing her with a path through an ancient forest, winding up a lonely mountain to descend into a grand crater; in the centre of which lay the source of Dulcolax itself.

After sleeping on the toilet rolls, Fraiki darted out of the inn, leaving the staff bewildered as to where she had come from, and followed convenient signs for the not so lost forest. After taking four hours to walk a mile she stood before the forest.

""Not long now and I'll get my hands on Dulcolax."" Fraiki and a woman who, by some kind of genetic lottery, was even smaller than Fraiki herself, spoke at the same time.

Immediately they glared at each other.

"I need it really badly so you can have it once I'm done." The tiny woman declared, her amber eyes forcing her will with an unyielding stare.

"Hhaaaa?! I need it too! There's no way I am going to let you take it first! Who even are you?"

"I'm not about to give some greedy overgrown lizard my name!" She argued back, the small white wings on her back stretching out in offence, while another pair of wings on her head; these ones mostly brown but tipped with white, also stretched out.

"Liza..?! Well I don't need to know the name of some chicken!" They glared at each other again, eyes twitching with fury.

"Excuse me young ladies." An old lady interrupted. "Do you know where I can find a bakery?"

Fraiki zoned out, her mind rerunning a traumatic (for her) event.

"Yes, my friend here knows exactly where to go." The winged woman answered. "I'll just go on ahead. Later lizard."

The old lady looked expectantly at Fraiki until she realised that Fraiki had completely stopped moving, and was staring off into the distance. 20 minutes later she woke to find she was alone in front of the forest. It took her a little while longer before she realised that she was falling behind. She ran in, getting past the first two trees before running out of breath and continuing to walk the rest of the way. A short while later she came across a small hill. Wow the mountain was easy to find. She thought. As she started climbing the "mountain", she noticed the small woman from earlier struggling to climb the hill due to her tiny limbs. Fraiki laughed as she strolled past her, laughing even harder as she saw the frustration on her face.

"Stop laughing, you Hecker!" She yelled, almost making Fraiki collapse in her joy.

Looking over the peak of the hill she saw the crater and, as promised, she could see a chalice shaped altar with several boxes laying in its bowled top. Just before she ran down the hill to claim her prize she noticed something else. A rock golem stood between her and the altar, its single red eye locked onto her. Nervously she approached the giant inorganic creature.

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