Are family

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Squirrelflight eyes opened wided as she saw her sister came to camp with ashfur and hawkfrost

Brambleclaw get out of thunderclan

Brambleclaw hissed at hawkfrost

Then he realized hawkfrost had a kit with him

Lionkit dad whose that

Lionkit meowed confusedly

Hawkfrost that's your uncle brambleclaw this is my son lionkit

Brambleclaw looked at the bright golden tabby

Brambleclaw how he's a bright golden tabby your not

Hawkfrost so he's my son still

Leafpool he is

Squirrelflight why are you defending his statement

Lionkit don't be mad at my mom

Brambleclaw had murder in his eyes

Squirrelflight you had kits with hawkfrost and why is ashfur with you

Ashfur kept quiet not trying to wake his son jaykit on his back

Leafpool because I'm poly

Squirrelflight eyes wided

Leafpool I'm just here to say goodbye im moving to riverclan with ashfur and hawkfrost because I knew you wouldn't be happy with my decisions so goodbye

The three left with there kits to riverclan were to had all already been accepted into riverclan

Leafpool was happy raising her kits and the young cats became warriors

Hawkfrost trained his son lionpaw and he became a powerful warrior named lionfrost he got training from his grandfather tigerstar until hawkfrost told him what tigerstar had done and he stopped

Hollyfur was trained by her dad ashfur and became a powerful warrior and rolled her eyes at the idea of joining thunderclan after her uncle brambleclaw tried to convince her to

Jaypool became a Medicine cat despite ashfur protest and listens from the sidelines as his siblings became highly respected warriors of riverclan

Word count 271

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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