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Prince Ndlalifa Mhlongo

It has been two weeks in Canada for business and I can't reach my wife. I have to be on this side for at least three months but I don't see that happening since I can't reach Noma or her sister. I can't even ask someone to search her up on social media because she doesn't use it, we both share the same sentiments about social media anyway. I call my uncle and he answers almost immediately.

Me: "Baba."

Uncle: "Son. Did you finally get ahold of your wife yesterday?!"

Me: "No and I'm worried now." he sighs.

Uncle: "Maybe she is angry at you about something and will get in touch soon because she texted your aunt yesterday that she has a problem with her phone camera and speaker, something like that man." that's weird.

Me: "I really hope so." at the back of my mind I'm really wishing that she is just angry at me.

Uncle: "Your father might be buried next month so you will have to come home for that."

Me: "Yebo baba."

Uncle: "You should call MaKhoza, she has something to say to you."

Me: "Oh? Okay." we bid goodbye and hung up. I really miss my people right now.


It has been five days and nothing from my wife except for a text that just said, she doesn't have a phone. I have ordered a phone online and it should be delivered to her house by tomorrow morning. I'm hoping we will get a chance to talk properly.

My phone rings, it's MaKhoza. I totally forgot about having to call her.

me: "Sanibona mah." I greet as soon as I answer.

MaKhoza: "You were supposed to call me days ago Ndlalifa!" she says in a stern voice.

Me: "I apologize mah, I just got held up with some work."

MaKhoza: "How are you working while things are going so bad?!"

Me: "What are you talking about mah?"

MaKhoza: "Your wife is clouded by a dark cloud and only you can save her."

Me: "What is wrong with my wife?!"

MaKhoza: "How are you asking me about YOUR WIFE?! Shouldn't you be able to protect her and your children from afar?!"

Me: "..."

MaKhoza: "Musa ukunganaki. Funda ukunaka izinto, kuyo yonke lento sekulimale abantu ekade bengafanele." she hangs up. I've never heard MaKhoza talk like this before, she sounds angry somehow. I don't wait any longer, I pack my things and call one of my business associates to lend me his private jet. I'm going home, I need to see my people and my heart doesn't feel at ease right now.

After long hours, I've finally landed back home and it's already afternoon. I request an Uber straight to my house. My heartbeat slows down a bit when I see the lights on, she's probably here. I walk inside and I'm shocked to find a woman I don't know with Nandi and my wife's sister. I clear my throat and they all look shocked to see me.

Me: "Sanibona."

Nandi: "Mzala, hey."

Me: "Where is the woman of the house?!"

Nandi: "Woman of the house?! She died nje bhuti. I'm the one who..."

Pearl: "He's your brother?!" she asks Nandi shocked.

Me: "What is happening in my house?!" I ask looking between the two women I know.

Nandi: "I'm sorry for not telling you, I was in Joburg to see my girlfriends and so I invited them over so we could chill. I didn't think it would be a problem."

Me: "Where was my wife in all this?! Like when you took that decision, did you actually think of her and how she'd feel?!"

Nandi: "You mean that girl?! Your girlfriend?!" I wipe the little sweat on my nose as I feel myself getting angry.

Me: "Sbali, ikuphi ingoduso yami?!" she opens her mouth to talk but shuts it.

Lady: "Can I dish up for you? you look tired and it's quite late manje."

Me: "Ungazongijwayela kabi wena, do you know me?! Who are you asking me that nonsense in my wife's house?! futhi please get out now! All of you!"

Nandi: "Come on mzala..."

Me: "Y'all are not allowed to be in this house anyway especially if my wife isn't here and I didn't invite you! Please go!" the two women walk out leaving me with Nandi.

Me: "Where did you even get my house keys?!"

Nandi: "Huh?!"

Me: "Nxh! Phuma!" I wait until she's out before I quickly go upstairs to my bedroom. I get even more pissed when I see how untidy it is, it clearly shows that someone has been here and didn't bother to clean. I grab my security tab and change the gate code and then grab my keys and leave. Now, I really need to see Nomandla, she must tell me why she let Nandi do as she pleases in her house. Couldn't she just beat her up too?!

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