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It's been two days since I landed here in Vardronia and each day I have tried talking to the beautiful girl that is to be my wife, but each time I have been met with the same one worded responses. I have eleven days to make her fall in love with me and want to be my wife. Though again, even if she doesn't she'll be required to per the contract that the king and I both signed. Though, I have to admit it upsets me that the girl who I've loved since that night a year ago no longer seems to think of me with the same kindness as she has shown me that night.

"I've never seen purple eyes before." She says, her swirling magical eyes looking up at me, captivated.

"I'd say they're quite rare." I reply, captivated.

"They're exquisite." Is all she says in reply and a feeling like one I've never felt swirls in my stomach and pulls on my heart.

I shake myself, getting myself out of the memory. I continue walking to the princess' room, a tray of her favourite breakfast foods in hand. I've learned that the princess is not a big supporter of the foods that humans tend to have for breakfast. Usually consisting of eggs, toasted bread, and a wide assortment of fruit, and on occasion a pastry. It worries me when my future wife skips a meal, something she tends to do quite often as she seems to not enjoy the presence of her father. I don't think I can blame her.

I make it to her hallway and am met with a ginger knight, his hair a mix of blond and orange.

"King Raden." he greets, bowing in the process. I take it into account.

"I've brought food for the princess, do you know if she is awake?" I ask, and I can't help but also take into account the look of suspicion he throws my way.

"She is. Though it is unusual that you would carry her food here instead of giving it to her ladies maid or a servant." I almost laugh at his not so subtle accusation and it only makes him more upset.

"I assure you, if I had any intent to harm the princess I would have done it by now. I don't like to waste my time." The knight looks me up and down, a sneer behind that face yearning to come out, but instead he turns around and knocks on the door. Where he is met with a soft "Come in."

The knight opens to large wooden doors and walks into her room, closing the door behind him leaving me to wait outside of it. within a few moments the door opens back up and the knight comes out with an annoyed look on his face, the look only worsens when he sees me and is reminded that I'm still here.

"The princess says you can go in." I nod and begin walking forward but he steps in front of me, thinking that the movement could stop me in any way. I look down at him with an accessing stare and I can tell in the back of his head he is fearful of me. Atleast, he still tried, many wouldn't.

"Step out of my way, knight." I order, and he looks up at me.

"If you cause any harm to the princess-" He attempts to say but I cut him off with a dark chuckle.

"You'll. Do. what?" I enunciate the words as I step closer to him, power roiling around me. Even the thought of someone hurting her, even me. The thought flashes through my mind and rage follows it.

"What is going on here?" I hear her voice say and I turn around to see Freyja in a white nightgown, and an angry expression on her face. One that turns more angered when she notices my own. "What are you doing!" She walks over to me and pushes me, though I don't move I can still feel the force behind those hands. The magic yearned to come out. The spark going from her to me. I almost question if she felt it too but by the way she jumps back and she looks up at me. Curiosity behind that anger. The moment lasts only a second before she turns around to the knight.

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