How bad can a pregnancy be? (Act 1) 18+

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Chap 1.

So, I was daydreaming in psych class when this idea came to me.

There was this woman. Mary. She just had her third child four months when it all started. The pregnancy went great. Baby is in perfect health. Mary lost a little extra blood but nothing to be concerned about. Except for the husband.

The husband, James and her dated for 10 years, living together in a rented trailer home, and barely getting by with his week to week paycheck. He would always fight with her after he came home from work but everyday he would stop at the bar before getting home. This made her upset cause she felt like the bar was more important to her and the newborn.

This is the only child between them both. The other two were from a previous marriage. After the ex, Gabe beat her til the last time she ended up in the hospital. That's when the family convinced her to get a divorce. James treated the other two like they were his own after the were 4-6. Now, they are closer and feel more like James is the father figure more then Gabe.

Mary and James have a great relationship for a long time. Being ex addicts of heroin and pills, recovering and now six years clean for Mary but James has been drinking for the last four and the addiction progresses to he has to drink something after 4 or he will feel annoyed and get aggressive towards her. He will start feeling happy after drinking and in hope that he will stay happy. If one wrong thing happens. If Mary does anything to upset him or if something else happens like someone talking shit to him while playing around. When they get home she runs to her room and tries to stay away. Thoughts of her precious relationship would resurrect in her head as she shakes. But James wasn't like that.

James would start to argue and verbally abuse her. But never put his hands on her until they both drank and got into a physical slapping and pushing. Mary swore never to drink again at this moment. Now, James would come home after one of the barflies started some rumor about him and some slutty coke whore fucking around. James is a fairly flirty friendly guy but never crossed the line. The most anyone else would get out of him flirting us a hug. Mary knows this.

"Babe? You know what some dumb fucking asshole started to say Kimberly and I were caught fucking in my truck." He jumps on the bed next to her as she is pretending to sleep. "Babe."


"You hear me?"

"Yeah, that sucks," as she digs her head deeper into the pillow.

He starts with his drunk babble. Not caring that it's 3-4 am and she has to wake up. He would try and screw her but turning away not feeling the mood. He gets up and walks off to the bathroom. Then storms out yelling about how she is seeing others. She defends herself with.

"How can I be seeing anyone when I am home with the children and now this whining baby"

He yells at her with another insult and she ignores but kept going at full volume. "STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Why are you telling me you are going to wake the kids"

He kept harassing her after an hour. She leaves the room and he follows and keeps yelling.

Finally he went into the bedroom and she was on the couch. Later in the night. She notices her credit card out of her purse. Wondering why, she starts going through his phone and not finding anything purchased. A message comes in as she clicks the notification. There is a messages between her and a friend talking shit about her. The women is flirtiously calling him baby. She grew red. Running into the room, she confront him talking shit. This isn't the first time. They were messaging. It was a few months ago where they were talking but it more like he was getting attention from this women. And when she confronted him the first time she said she wouldn't do it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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