Chapter 1

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Zac, a brother of one sister and the son of two men. I pretty much own a business all about deserts, it's not a popular one but it at least keeps the money coming and sustaining both him and his sister who hasn't been employed, yet. But, he knew his sister was trying her best get a job. She would be having a job interview today actually at some grocery store. Luckily he was here to watch over Ava since their dads asked him to, they both share the same apartment so it was easier to watch over Ava.

His sister is, Ava. She was pretty much the only female in their family which made her the family favorite and he loves his sister to the ends of the earth which made him protective of her, she's always been such a loner, always wanting to stay in and sleep. People always wanted to make friends with her but Ava always finds a way to avoid them. He was surprised that Jake even fell for his sister, Zac dislikes other men coming up to his sister, Jake is one of them, you'll never know what their up to, so it's better safe then sorry. He by no means will be giving up his sister up to some man so easily without seeng if he is worthy of his sisters love or not.

He always stays home himself since his job as the manager of his business only required him to manage through online circumstances, if it the need to appear personally then he would go out there to make a personal appearance. He goes out time to time to hang with friends of course, only if they invite him. Unlike his sister, he's very sociable, even became friends with Lorelai who was very determined to get close to Ava. He doesn't really mind the girl hanging out with his sister, she's pretty much good influence if Ava doesn't constantly avoid her.

It was 5 am, the early mornings, he always wakes up early. His sleeping schedule is pretty much healthy in human standards, he's a morning person as people would say. He checked his phone, no notification about his business yet, meaning it's still running very smoothly. He placed his phone on the bedside table next to him. Sitting up, he stretches his arms and yawned. Throwing his blankets off of him, he starts exercising like normal, lifting up heavy weights, doing some yoga to relax his mind.

Glancing at his sweaty body, he starts off his day with a good shower. He took a quick shower and changed into casual clothing, checking his phone a second time, it was 6 am now. He hears his sisters alarm clock go off  from the second room next to his but was instantly turned off. He sighed, as expected, his sister wants to sleep in. Eh, it's Johnny's job to wake her up anyway, right now, he'll just prepare them breakfast.

He opens his door room and walk out of it, he felt something rub against his leg which made him look down, it was their cat, Johnny. He smiles and kneels down to pet the cat on the head. "Hungry, little guy?" He asked, the cat nods and meows as a sign of hunger. Zac hums, "Hmm, I don't think Ava had bought Yum Yum's last week. Meaning we ran out of cat food. Oh yeah, munchie scrunchies too, that's Ava's favorite cereal for breakfast." He mutter, Johnny meows in annoyance, feeling huffy because he won't get to eat his food early.

Zac chuckles at the cats instant mood change, giving Johnny some gentle ear scratches which caused the cat to purr with delight. "Don't worry, I'll just cook pancakes for you and Ava, it'll be good, I promise! It'll just be a temporary replacement for cat food. I'll be going to the grocery store after, soo, could you wake up Ms. Sleeping beauty for me? She'll be late for the interview if she sleeps in too long." Johnny understood and nodded his head in agreement, pretty much used to having waking up Ava, at least he gets food as payment.

"Thanks, little guy!" Zac says, giving the cat a big kiss on the head which made the cat slightly hiss with annoyance and fondness while pawing at Zac's face to make him stop. The man giggles and stopped kissing the cat, he stood up and went to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast which is pancakes. He'll cook the best of the best for his sister and their silly cat. Once he was done cooking the pancakes, he put a touch of their secret syrup that he would hide from Ava since she would try slurping it all up from the container. Hiding the syrup again where Ava could not reach, he added a touch of toppings that he personally made yesterday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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