Love at first sight

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Sunny ran as fast as she could to class only to find out that there weren't anyone there all. 'What?' she questioned herself.

"Fast, before they ran out," A loud voice came from behind her. Sunny turned and saw people running to the announcement room. She followed them, there were students sitting on chairs waiting for the principal to say a word.

Smiling at the sight of Izzy sitting next Hitch, she ran and took a sit behind them.

Before she could say anything, the microphone ringed so loud that everyone had to close there eyes. After it was done, they removed there hads fron there ears and listen carefully to what the principal had to say.

"New students will be attending this school. I know it might seem unnecessary to make it a big deal, though in this case it is," her words confused everyone as they started making idea to what she meant.

She clapped her hand as two familiar girls made there way to the stage. Everyone gasped, seeing the two's faces in there school, standing on there stage.

One of them was taller than the other. Is was due to her being older, plus they where also siblings. Zipp Storm also known as Princess Zipp, is the older sibling and former next queen. She's sort of a Gath girl, she wears black lipsticks and black make up, clothes with chains, gloves with no fingers and has pink hair with a dye of blue.

And though she was the older sister, the one that had to be reasonable. She on the other hand did things her own was. She'd refused to throw birthday parties at daylight, but end up throwing on in a night club with people she called friends, not close one but still friends. As a princess you should always wear a crown, but as Zipp you shouldn't, she even dropped the princess.

She hated being treated differently, so sometimes she even were a discuss we she went out. Dresses and color makeups screamed hell to her, she wear usual clothes around her mom, at meeting, at everywhere and put on black makeup only.

When she got older, her mom explained that she was going to become a ruler and needed to practice becaming one. In there generation they'd do thing like we're there hair up, by up like really up. Instead of practicing, she avoided it. She'd look for history book of her a ancestors if any of them did things differently. But all did the same over and over again as history repeated it self. Never the less that did help her find her talent for solving mysterious.

When her mom tried to get her date, she went along with it. If he ever got to close, he'd end up crying cause of lost arm. Kidding he didn't lose his arm, he just... didn't fell anything. More came, more left, Haven eventually gave up on getting her a boyfriend to marry one day.

Haven never understood her, but she tried her best to. The only one who did understand her Pipp. Even since Pipp was born, Zipp became more emotionally with her. Only around her, she'd never let her emotions out but when she was with Pipp she did.

Unlike Zipp, Pipp was more sweat, kind cute. She was the golden child in the family, she became it when her mom saw how different she was from Zipp and how she was more of what she wanted her daughter to be, plus was into thing a princess would be into.

A the age of 7, she discovered her singing voice and stared preforming. Though she wasn't good at designing clothes, she was good at her styling hair. Plus her and Zipp would go to a secret room Zipp create for her all cases, they'd go there time to time for lab work. Once in a while Pipp would create her own hair probiotics like hair jell.

While Zipp wired dark clothes, Pipp's were the opposite. She wired pink thing or other colors. And a lot of her clothes even had gold buts. She had her Facebook account to talk to her fans, YouTube channel to creat singing videos since she was a popstar and Instagram to post pictures.

"Please don't make noise as loud as I can take or at all. There reason to join a normal school is practice, so don't ask, please treat them with respect and kindness," with that the bells ringed. Everyone in there sits, ran to class.

Hitch and Izzy were about to do the same, when they noticed that Sunny wasn't moving and just staring at one of the Princesses, Zipp. Izzy shock her body to get her attention.

"You okay there Sunny?" Hitch asked her, seeing to she was moving.

"Ah, uh? Sorry I was just lost in my thoughts a bit," Sunny a apologized. She look around, seeing everyone had already left.

"How about we get to class, before you get detention?"

"That won't be necessary," Hitch, Izzy and Sunny turned to see the principal walking there way along with the two princesses. She handed Hitch a school pass. "As the school's president you'll be giving a tour to all the new students. Same with the princesses-"

"I got better. You!" Zipp pointed at Sunny, her face turned pale as ideas came through her head. "You'll be giving me separate a tour instead."

"Oh, oh and she'll give me a separate one too!!" Pipp said happily. The smile that had appeared on Pipp's face faded when she realized something. "Wait why?"

"Because we're princesses, Pipp," Zipp walked out of the room.

Izzy hit Sunny shoulder, signaling her to follow Zipp.

As Sunny exit the room, she looked around not seeing Zipp anywhere around she started to panic. 'Til she heard a laugh from behind her, she turn to see that Zipp was standing behind the door. She sighed in relief.
"C'mon. Let's start the tour already."

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