9 - A Psycho Rich Boy Appears.

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A goosebump shoots all over my growing hairs in every part of my body. This is way much worse and nighmariest than just visiting the most gruesome and horror haunted house I ever spend my money on.

I couldn't hold my sense nor was my brain ain't braining to accept another new information right in front of me.

The clicking sound of this mechanical pencil on my right hand isn't reaching to dominate the pump in my heartbeat.

No, you're just imagining things.

No in hell he...

Maybe the time is up, coming to end my poor soul.

Right now, not just the tiniest, thinnest and short shining silver covered by the neon yellow colored cutter lying on the teacher's table looking deliciously to cut someone's liver from the organ.

This school should stop accepting weird people anymore and in this class anymore.

I had enough of a bowl of fools who couldn't differentiate between reality and fantasy, or another strong aura shimmering in my eyes.

And now, a new character of freaking arrogant as high as Everest Mountain. Talking about his family is the richest.

Should I mention Steve Jobs here?

Those styled up silver haired, the shining silver earpiece outrageously annoyed me to the point his grave later will be craved by a silver stone.

With those bunch of notes of money slapping people's heads is totally disrespectful. He thinks by bribing the classmates he can get and buy whatever he wants?

I need to give him some lessons later.

Somehow, this transfer student is freaking getting on my nerves and I couldn't point out whatever reason behind it. Because anything he does besides throwing the money notes is terrifiedly...

I can't stand him.

He outrageously pisses me off in some scent that I couldn't even point my index finger on. More like the exact part of feeling itchy in my hand but still doesn't feel better after I harshly scratch.

It still doesn't go away.

I don't think I'm the only one who despised him right now.


The shifting air in between arises as everyone glances towards the slender fingers directly pointing onto a certain person.

Dear whoever Lord up there, please don't add another problem in my already messed up life anymore.

Takahashi perhaps–

Oh shit. It's me.

What did I say about not involving another drama here?!

"Give me the blonde seat." amazingly the only striking blonde hair is me in this class. Or maybe this book—

"What? Don't act like spoiled great brats who get what he want from their parents."

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