ones ive had in the past

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Some may make no sense because I'm a Beatles fan

Someone murdered me bc I knocked a sign over

My mom sold me to Paul McCartney

A man who looked like John Lennon tried to kidnap me because he didn't want to turn into a dog so I broke his glasses

I was on a bus by myself and Yoko Ono was throwing a tantrum because John got on the wrong bus so I said I got separated from my mom and she started acting motherly towards me and my mom got free kittens named Ringo and Midnight from a random lady on the other bus where John Lennon was taking his clothes off

John Lennon was my boyfriend and he kissed me

Me and John Lennon ############

I robbed a Hot Topic with my classmate then went on vacation then George Harrison came in my window and my mom told him to leave so he did

There was a poster at my school that said "Witch Trial" and I thought "alright who's getting burned" and it turned out Witch Trial was a band that was performing at my school

I won a free lunch and broke a yellow tv remote

John Lennon went to my school and we played hide and seek with random kids but got distracted and started cuddling then I took him to my house and the cats knocked over our food

A random kid from the other side of the state came to my school with a sign calling everyone ugly and he also had a stolen poster and 3 broken iPhones and he posted a video about it on YouTube where he was in the shower (dw you could only see shoulders up)

A random guy was in my house watching cooking shows and I left my backpack on the bus

I was enjoying a series and suddenly 7 characters died out of nowhere

I met a cute sweet boy on vacation who made me in Tomodachi Life I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH HIM AND DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HIS NAME

ExpressionismEmpress was living in my school

A new device let you screenshot what you see and print it out your mouth

I found out I wasn't real

I posted that I simped for cartoon Ringo Starr and my discord wasn't having it

My mom made me listen to Bob Dylan as punishment

There was a war in my discord server over whether or not George Harrison deserves to live

Ringo Starr disguised as my cousin to go on my family trip

There was a new video game everyone was crazy about and I got stuck outside my school

I got lost in a random school and befriended a 6 foot tall Lolita girl and lost my shoes

A French ghost tried to get me in a cult and I helped my friend break into someone's house

I watched some guys life where he owned a grocery store and died "85 on the outside and 40 on the inside"

My doppelganger named Lexi couldn't show up to film a YouTube video so I had to fill in for her

I watched a movie where Alejandro from Total Drama and Kermit The Frog were spies

Me and my mom got sucked into some game and my mom evicted the villain from his apartment

A bunch of old people said "YOU'RE WIGGLEBUTT'S GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER" and it turns out my great great grandpa was called WiggleButt because he would always wiggle his butt before sitting down

I slept through my own wedding

I died and some blond grim reaper looking guy told me to throw sand at a random girl

Me and my friend shipped our 8th grade history teacher with a genshin character

Some guy turned himself into the Kool Aid Man

My friend made me buy an Among Us board game so I hid it from my mom and cuddled with the man I found in my closet

My classmate was secretly a 40 year old man

My name wasn't on a list so they locked me in an art gallery

I had to put my locker combination into a juice machine

I accidentally printed every single picture on my phone at my moms work

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