Chapter 1: Oranges.

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    Fourteen sighed as they looked through the bars of their cage. They got locked up because it was "for the best" and so that they "didn't eat any skin." They just thought of the potential meals they could get once they're out of there. Then, five tossed them a book.

    "Here you go, cannibal." Five scowled as they tossed the book into the cage. It was a book about algebralien history. What could possibly go wrong?

    Fourteen started reading the book, seeming uninterested until they came across the part about the coveted division symbol..

    "Oh? This is something.." Fourteen snickered as they read more about it. "Dividing a number into two, eh.? Seems like the perfect plan!" Fourteen laughed a bit louder, before being shushed by Five.

    "Shush, don't try anything." They hushed to Fourteen. "Two is coming today and you better not pull any funny business." Five scoffed.

    Fourteen groaned in annoyance "Awh man." And just sits in their cage, reading the book for hours.

    Our scene then changes to Two walking into the Equation Playground, waving and greeting everyone they oh so missed. Their focus then comes to Fourteen sitting and reading in the cage they were trapped in, and they decided to walk over and say hi! After all, what could possibly go wrong.

    "Well hello there, I'm two!!" Two said with enthusiasm as they waved to Fourteen. "What's that book you got there?" Two awed at the book.

    "Oh it's just the book about algebralien history, nothing thaaat interesting." Fourteen scoffed, clearly not excited with Two's enthusiasm. "I was reading about the division symb-" Fourteen was cut off by Two.

    "Division symbol? Please read about it to me! I'd love to learn about it." Two exclaimed with joy and curiosity in their tone.

    Fourteen sighs and opens the book. "Fine." They start to read the book, and we get to the beginning of a situation we've already seen before.

    After the whole 'separating into two green sevens' thing, Fourteen decided to be a little.. mischievous.

    "Hello guys, what are my lovely friends up to today?" Fourteen says after seven walked in and said the exact same thing.

    "Hello green seven!" Ten waved with an innocent smile.

    "Green seven?" Five jeered. They then started to connect the dots as both sevens conversed with each other. "Seven... plus Seven.." Five pondered to themself, before gasping in surprise and also fear. " It's Fourteen!" Five exclaimed, "He split himself Into two sevens!"

    Seven looked confused and tried to explain themself, but fourteen lied and dramatized the entire situation. One green seven of Fourteen and the actual seven got places between an addition symbol. The both of them fused and they were tossed into the cell.

    "I'm the real Seven, you've got the wrong guy!" Seven exclaimed as their hands shook the cell bars.

    "Does he always look like that?" Ten asked to Five.

    "Don't trust him, he's just trying to trick you again!" Five replied as they glared back at Fourteen, or atleast what they thought was Fourteen.

    The other green seven of fourteen appears at the cage, smiling with devious intent at 'fourteen'.

    "There you are, other green seven! I'm in jail because of you!" Seven exclaimed.

    "Yeah that was my plan lol." Fourteen responded with a laugh.

    "You won't get away with this!" Seven yelled through the cage, looking visibly angry.

    "I will, hahahaha! Time for my revenge!!" Fourteen ran off with manic laughter, on their way to cause havoc.

    Fourteen pulled out a list and did several pranky like things to other numbers. But Ten... oh Ten. Fourteen walked around, finding Ten's house in the middle of the night. They then slammed the door open, scaring Ten out of their sleep.

    "W- huh?!" Ten sputtered, staring at the Green Seven from their bed. "I- you-" Ten was cut off by Fourteen jumping on them, holding their arms in place.

    "Mmmmhh..." Fourteen hummed, licking their lips as they take a bite out of Ten's skin. "Oh, your skin is divine.." Fourteen mumbled while swallowing the skin.

     "AHHHHHHHH, H- HELP!!" Ten wailed, trying to pull away from Fourteen's harsh grip. "H-" Ten gets their skin bitten off again on their arm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ten shrieked in agony.

    "Tastes like oranges, my favorite citrus..." Fourteen uttered, their eyes filled with hunger and aggression.

    Fourteen bit, and bit, and bit away at Ten's orange-tasting skin. Ten kept screaming and sobbing as they fainted from the horror.

    "Boo-hoo, you're no fun Ten." Fourteen grumbled, getting off of them and walking out of their house.

    The scene then changes to morning, and Five explains to Nine, Six, and Eight that the Seven they fused with the other green seven was the wrong one. All four of them devise a plan with the reluctant help of Fifteen. And the green seven finds a sign.

    "Free skin? All the skin I eat is free, pass!" They scoff, walking only to find another sign. "Free TASTY skin? Now that's something I gotta have!" They exclaimed, walking past sign after sign, reaching a firey unconscious at the end of the signs by Fifteen.

    When Fourteen wakes up from their unconsciousness, The first thing noticed is the chain and ball connected to his leg.

    "Did you sleep well? Get writing, bub." Eight jeered, throwing a whiteboard marker at Fourteen's face. "Maybe we'll let you go if you're good." Eight continued, before walking away.

    Fourteen observed the fact there was also the subscriber whiteboard. Apparently his new punishment was writing on it.

    "Stupid subscriber whiteboard..." fourteen mumbled, as they wrote on the whiteboard "Thanks for 2,000,000 subscribers!"

(ill be updating this dw, might take a while tho lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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