Her world.

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I'm here on a mission. All I have to do is get supplies from Earth, so my planet won't suffer. That's my only— oh. I'm rae, by the way. I'm a nixion. My planet is currently in somewhat of a drought. I'm a part of the group that scavenges other planets. Fun, right? Anyway, I got assigned to earth. There's an area where I can go to rest. These scavenges usually take days, or weeks, once it took a month, one of us was scavenging Jupiter and.. nevermind. Anyway, I will head to the resting spot now so I have full energy.

I flew over to the area, in one of my smaller forms, so no one would see me. As soon as I get there I see some people from other planets. Planets better off than mine— I'm getting off track. I go to the bed already made for my arrival and lay down. I drift off.

Later, I get up. It's time for me to scavenge. I go to forests looking for animals, berries, fruits, leaves, anything. I hear something. I quickly turn to my human form. The "thing" emerges from the bushes. It's a girl, she looks about in her mid 20s, short curly black hair, and tan-ish skin. She looks at me like she found gold. She runs up to me and says, "Finally! Another person.. the amount of bears I've run into here..." I look at her, slightly confused. "Oh, sorry! You have no idea who I am, and I just ran up to you like an old friend.." she rubs her arm, embarrassed, before continuing, "I'm Jeanette, I'm here looking for food for my family." I immediately resonate with that, though, I'm looking for food and other things for a whole colony. Something about her intrigues me. She interrupts the silence with, "well, what's your name?" I get caught off guard. "Uuhh.. Rae." I say, blunt. I feel flustered. It's weird. "Rae?" She says, "that's a beautiful name, Rae." I blush. "Aha, so, I have enough good now, so, do you wanna like get to know each other?" I smile lightly before I say...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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