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WARNING: SMUT (only a little)

It's a beautiful night out and m'gann and Conner were inside doing the dishes when they started play-flirting with each other

"Conner: you know I was looking forward to seeing you with just your wedding rings on"

(if you watch the show you know which scene I'm referring to)

Conner smirked looking at his wife earning a giggle from his wife as she stopped doing dishes

"M'gann: that can be arranged" Conner smirk grew wider and he stopped doing the dishes as well and grabbed his wife's hand

"Conner: then let's do it" Conner said happily as he and m'gann walked to their bedroom and Conner gently pushed his wife on the bed and crawls on top of her and he kisses her and then her neck earning moans from his wife and m'gann smiled

"M'gann: I missed this I feel like we haven't had a lot of time to ourselves"

"Conner: me too but let's make the most of it" he said with a playful smirk and he continued to kiss her neck and he then took off his shirt and then m'gann morphed out of her shirt but just then they hear there bedroom door open and they saw wolf

"Conner: wolf why aren't you in your doggy bed-" wolf huffed looking at them and before anyone could say anything wolf got on the bed and pushed m'gann to the floor and he got under Superboy happily wagging his tail and trying to get Superboy to pet him

"Wolf!" Conner said laughing and m'gann said a bit annoyed but not mad

Conner almost fell over laughing but he was petting wolf and m'gann got up and huffed

"Conner: sorry babe I'll get him out" he said still laughing as he took an unhappy wolf out of the room and put him on the couch wolf huffed and Superboy closed the door going over to his wife gently kissing her neck

"Conner: are you ok love?"

"M'gann: yeah" she said laughing as they continued there night

Next morning

Their alarm went off and Superboy groaned and he cuddled closer to m'gann and she laugh a little she loved it when Superboy was half asleep because he was always more cuddly so she snuggled closer to him and smiled

"M'gann: good morning"

"Superboy: morning" he said half asleep nuzzling m'gann hair earnings a giggle from her but she reluctantly said

"M'gann: babe you have a few modcycles orders to finish today" Conner groaned wanting to stay in bed but he reluctantly got up and stretched and started looking around for his shirt

"Conner: babe have you seen my shirt-"
He said as he looked down at his wife in his T-shirts and he chuckled

"Conner: never mind I'll stay shirtless" earning a smile from his wife as she not only got to wear his shirt but she got to see him shirtless

They both got out of bed and Conner went to give wolf his morning hugs then he went to the garage to work on the modcycles and luckily for m'gann the kitchen had a window to the garage and a doorway so as she siped her coffee she got to see Connor fixing modcycles and safe to say m'gann eyes were glued to him and he was happy to make sure he flexed his muscles every so often but he really didn't have to because as he worked on the modcycles his muscles flexed for him

But as m'gann was watching she got pulled from it by a very unhappy wolf holding up his food bowl to m'gann she laughed and grabbed him some dog food and she chicken Conner saved for wolf and she mixed it up and handed to wolf, wolf gave her a kiss of gratitude he started eating and m'gann went back to admiring her husband as he worked

Comment suggestions if you want me to write a chapter you want thanks for reading I hope everyone enjoys

Tue, Jun, 25, 2025

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