"Dear Cupid: Next time hit us both."

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The morning sun filtered through the thin curtains of Andrew's small apartment, casting a soft glow on the room. He had spent the night tossing and turning, his mind replaying every moment he had shared with Lily over the past three years. Despite his exhaustion, he got up and prepared for the day, driven by the hope that today might be different.

Andrew had met Lily during their sophomore year of college. She was sitting alone in the library, her auburn hair cascading over her shoulders as she pored over a thick textbook. Her concentration was intense, and Andrew was captivated by her presence. He approached her with a mix of nervousness and excitement, and they struck up a conversation. From that day on, they were inseparable.

Andrew fell for Lily quickly and deeply. Her intelligence, her wit, her kindness—everything about her drew him in. He loved her with a passion that consumed him, always striving to make her happy. He planned thoughtful dates, surprised her with little gifts, and supported her through the stress of their studies. Yet, despite his best efforts, he sensed a distance in her that he couldn’t bridge.

Lily was always affectionate and caring, but there was an invisible barrier between them. Whenever Andrew tried to discuss their future or express his deepest feelings, Lily would divert the conversation or laugh it off. She was there with him, but not fully present, not in the way he longed for her to be.

One evening, after a particularly beautiful day spent hiking and picnicking by a lake, Andrew decided it was time to confront his fears. As they sat by the water, watching the sunset, he turned to her and took her hand.

“Lily,” he began, his voice trembling, “I need to know how you really feel about us. About me. I love you more than anything, and I want to build a future with you. But sometimes, I feel like you’re not as invested as I am.”

Lily’s eyes widened, and she looked away, biting her lip. “Andrew, you know I care about you deeply. You’re my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.”

“But do you love me?” Andrew pressed, desperation creeping into his voice. “I need to know if you feel the same way I do, or if you’re just afraid of being alone.”

Lily sighed, her shoulders sagging under the weight of the conversation. “Andrew, I do love you, but… not in the way you want me to. I don’t know if I can ever love anyone like that. I don’t want to lose you, but I also don’t want to lead you on.”

Andrew’s heart shattered at her words. He had feared this moment, but hearing it aloud was more painful than he had imagined. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “So, all this time, you’ve been with me because you didn’t want to be alone?”

Lily shook her head vigorously. “No, it’s not like that. I genuinely enjoy being with you, and I care about you so much. But I can’t give you the kind of love you deserve. I’ve been trying to make it work because I didn’t want to lose our friendship, but maybe I’ve been selfish.”

The raw honesty in her voice was like a knife to Andrew’s heart. He had poured everything into their relationship, hoping that one day she would feel the same way. But now, he realized that his love alone was not enough to bridge the gap between them.

“I can’t keep doing this, Lily,” he said, his voice breaking. “I can’t keep pretending that this is enough when it’s tearing me apart inside. I love you too much to settle for anything less than real, mutual love. And it’s clear that’s not what we have.”

Lily’s eyes filled with tears, and she reached out to touch his face, but he pulled away, the pain too fresh and raw. “I’m so sorry, Andrew. I never meant to hurt you.”

“I know,” he whispered, standing up and turning away from the lake. “But sometimes, love just isn’t enough.”

With those words, Andrew walked away, leaving behind the person he loved most in the world. His heart was broken, but he knew he needed to heal and find someone who could love him with the same intensity and passion he had given to Lily.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Andrew realized that love, no matter how deep, cannot thrive without mutuality. And though it tore him apart, he knew that letting go was the first step toward finding the kind of love he truly deserved.

Months passed, and Andrew slowly began to piece his life back together. He threw himself into his work, took up new hobbies, and spent time with friends who supported him through the healing process. Despite the pain, he held onto hope that one day, he would find a love that was truly reciprocal.

One rainy evening, as he sat in a quaint coffee shop reading a book, he noticed a woman sitting across from him, glancing up from her novel every now and then. She had kind eyes and an infectious smile that seemed to light up the room. Their eyes met, and she offered him a shy smile.

Summoning his courage, Andrew walked over and introduced himself. Her name was Emily, and they quickly discovered they shared many interests. They spent hours talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.

As their connection deepened over the weeks that followed, Andrew felt a familiar warmth in his heart. But this time, it was different. He could see the same light in Emily's eyes, feel the same excitement in her touch. For the first time, he experienced love that was mutual, balanced, and deeply fulfilling.

One night, as they walked hand in hand through the city, Andrew looked up at the sky, the stars twinkling above them. He whispered softly, "Dear Cupid, next time hit us both with your arrow."

Emily squeezed his hand and smiled. "I think he finally did," she said, her voice filled with certainty.

In that moment, Andrew understood that fate had brought him through the pain to this place of genuine, shared love. The journey had been difficult, but it led him to where he was meant to be. And as they continued their walk, hearts intertwined, Andrew felt a profound sense of peace and gratitude, knowing that he had finally found the love he had always yearned for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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