"If you should return to me then we truly where meant to be"
was the song that always came to mind when you left.
I kept repeating them over and over trying to make them come true.
Then reality sinked in. You weren't coming back, you moved on, she won.
She won and I was left alone, suffering the loss, the loss of you.
She won and I cannot change that nor can I turn back time,
and make better for all the wrong I did.
She won, but I didn't lose, I gained experience,
and the same you did I followed.
I found now my true love.
You lost me, I did not lose you, I gained him,
a true love that you where imparing me from finding.
You lost me, yes she won, but not for long.
Now you come crawling back asking for forgiveness?
A second chance you didn't give me?
Well now I tell you, I WON and YOU lost,
by finding that woman that stole you from me only to make you suffer.
Now live with your regret and watch me be happy.
The same happiness I offered you once, he has now.
Now I'm wearing white, in a church, as happy as I'll ever be,
and you will suffer now the way I did.
Because she won and I had to leave.
-------A/N: Again venting feelings nothing special----------