2 Alumni function

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Part 2 Alumni Function

OSM College of Arts and Science

The college campus was full of festivities and full of alumni. The old students of the college started arriving one by one. There was joy and excitement everywhere. As they met their friends after a long, they greeted one another with joyful hugs and inquired about their well-being. A few girls visited with their respective husbands and a few with kids. Their friends teased them by calling Aunty and got hit by them. Everyone seemed happy, oblivious to their own problems. All in all, everyone returned to their college days and felt like they were teenagers.

Everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of their close friends. So was Aman, Akash, and NK. They were waiting for their group to be completed. There was only one person needed to complete their team...Arnav Singh Raizada. For their friends, he was ASR and, for their college girls, he was ARNIE. Yeah, he was the heartthrob of their college girls. Girls drooled over him but his crush was on a particular girl who was his junior. A girl with difference...! The main difference was, that she didn't drool over on him. That was what attracted him. As time passed, he became her crush. They spoke a lot and became friends but never conveyed their feelings for each other. No particular reason... they just didn't... just like many college love stories...!

Today, they were going to meet each other after a few years.

A few lightning flashed on Aman's face when he saw his friend, Arnav.

"A...S...R...." he rushed to him and lifted him from the ground.

Akash and NK ran following him and took part in his happiness. They hugged together.

"How are you, man?" Aman asked.

"Doing good..." Arnav said. His eyes were not stable. They wavered.

"She didn't come..." Aman whispered.

Arnav looked at him disappointedly. Aman nodded yes. Arnav was distraught. He expected her to come to the alumni function. Aman, Akash, and NK smiled at each other contently. Arnav's face hung. Why not? He came from Scotland to attend the alumni function. He wanted to meet not only his friends but also Khushi.

"Why doesn't she come?" he asked.

"Payal said, someone is coming with a proposal"

"Proposal?" Arnav was shocked.

"Yeah... after all, she is twenty-six..." Aman said.

"Yeah... it's a big thing that her parents delayed her marriage so long" NK said.

"It was not her parents who delayed her wedding but Khushi herself," Akash said.

Arnav looked at him surprisingly.

"What do you mean?" Aman asked.

"Yes, Payal said, she rejected many good alliances," Akash said.


"Yes, she simply said that she didn't like them"

"She might have liked SOMEONE," NK said looking at Arnav.

"Maybe..." Akash smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me about it before?" Arnav questioned them.

"ASR, we are in the internet world. You are the only one who is not in touch with others, as if Scotland is in some other planet"

"I'm busy with my job... you guys have no idea how engaged I'm..."

"Is this the reason?"

"Yes... it is... if I get committed, I should have to spend time that was impossible for me... you guys don't understand" he walked off.

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