Chapter 1

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I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt.
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met.

Maya Hunter had looked out of the airplane window towards a scene that for so many years she had wanted to experience. After staying away in the UK for eight years, Maya was finally going back home. She was a young woman who constantly walked around the crowd with someone else's children and who was more than happy to just be aunt Maya instead of mama.

Maya was a young woman at the age of twenty-six with no real responsibilities regarding a family of any kind. She had always looked at her friends who all had their own journeys.

Riley Matthews had gotten married to her high school sweetheart Lucas Friar at the age of eighteen, following in the footsteps of her father, and had .

Farkle Minkus was the man who everyone thought would end up taking over his father's business, but ended up studying medicine to become Doctor Farkle Minkus alongside his wife Isadora Smackle. At the age of 26, , hoping to have many more kids in the future.

Isaiah "Zay" Babineaux was the one man who no one knew who or what he wanted to be. The man had ended up becoming a football coach and parented his with his ex-wife Vanessa.

And Josh Matthews? The young man had completed his law degree and worked alongside his sister-in-law Topanga. Although he did desire it, Josh wasn't married nor did he have any children. At the age of twenty-nine he was just determined to make a name for himself.

Maya watched as the plane had landed and instantly switched her phone on. She looked for her carry on as she grabbed it and went out of the airplane. She smiled as she saw the sun shining through the sky and heard her phone ring. She put her airpods in and instantly answered the video call.

"Hi, Daddy," Maya said.

"Maya, honey. Hey, welcome back to New York, kid. How does the sun feel?" Shawn asked as Maya chuckled.

"Very good. Unbelievably good actually. It's good to be back," Maya said breathing in the fresh air.

"Are you going to go to see the Matthew clan?" Shawn asked as Maya shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't know, Dad. No one wanted me back so I don't think so. Where are those of mine?" Maya asked.

"At school. You forget how old they are sometimes," Shawn said as Maya smiled. "Listen, kid. I gotta go. Merry Christmas, Baby."

"Merry Christmas, Dad," Maya said as she ended the phone call.

She exhaled as she looked around and grabbed her bag. She took the first cab and went to the old apartment that she knew growing up. Walking in through the doors she still remembered the first time that she and her family moved there. It was right before Chet, the first born of Katy and Shawn, were born when the family had moved there. Shawn believed that his family deserved a bigger place and when they got it, everything became unbelievable to both Maya and her parents.

Maya looked around at all of the pictures still remembering all of her friends and missing them for dear life. The jetlag was starting to hit Maya as she changed into pajamas and jumped into bed.

Josh Matthews had looked around at the very crowded apartment that he was in. It became tradition to have Christmas Dinner at Topanga's house and nowadays it was easier for Josh to stay in New York.

"You must miss your parents very much," Topanga said as Josh looked at her.

"It's been three years since, but it's getting better. The pain is still there, but I think I learned to live with it. It's unbelievable how everything has changed. I mean, even with Riley. She's twenty-six with 4 children. Can't believe Austin is seven though," Josh said.

"You know she's been away for something like eight years now," Topanga said as she looked at Josh.

"Maya? Yeah, I wish she would come back actually," Josh said as Riley looked at him.

"Maya will come back when she wants to. Mom, who is the extra plate for?" Riley asked as Topanga smiled.

"A special guest. You'll see later," Topanga said.

Maya woke up as she realized it was six-thirty pm. She exhaled as she quickly started to get out of bed and jumped into the shower. She knew there were people that she had to see this time. She got out of the shower and quickly blow dried her hair, attempting to put on some make-up, as she went through her closet.

She was thankful that most of her winter clothes were still at the house, but with times she felt like that was an unfortunate thing as well. Maya had put on a pair of dark blue jeans with a white long sleeved shirt as she paired it with brown, knee-high boots. She grabbed a blue, sleeveless puffer jacket and a brown and white scarf, putting both items on. As she had out her watch on and grabbed her handbag she was off into the night.

"Are you really not gonna tell us who's coming, Granny?" Austin asked as Topanga looked at her eldest grandson

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"Are you really not gonna tell us who's coming, Granny?" Austin asked as Topanga looked at her eldest grandson.

"No, I'm not, baby," she said as she heard the doorbell. "That might be her. Okay, guys. Are we ready?" Topanga asked as everyone nodded.

Topanga opened the door and smiled as she looked at Maya hugging her instantly.

"You look so cute. Come on in," Topanga said as Maya smiled and went into the apartment.

Everyone's jaws dropped and father and daughter looked at one another as if they were shocked.

"Maya!" Auggie yelled as he went to hug Maya.

"August Matthews, my goodness. Look how you've grown," Maya said chuckling.

"Well I am in my senior year of high school, so. I didn't know that you were coming," Auggie said.

"Nor did we," Riley said.

"Your mom invited me, and coincidentally I was in New York. Surprise," Maya said as Josh chuckled at the news.

"Wow, brother. You quite haven't said a word to her," Topanga said as Josh shook his head.

"I'm still in shock," Josh said.

"Hopefully not for a bad reason," Maya hesitantly said as Josh approached her.

"It never could be," Josh said, pulling Maya closer for a hug as she smiled. "It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see you too," Maya said.

"Aunt Maya!" Austin yelled.

"Austin Joseph," Maya said picking up the seven-year-old boy. "My, how you have grown. I remember when your uncle Auggie was this age."

"Uncle Auggie is a big boy," Austin said as Maya chuckled.

"He is, yeah," Maya said.

"Welcome back for the holidays, Peaches," Riley said as Maya shook her head.

"For good. I am coming back to New York," Maya said.

"That is absolutely amazing," Cory said.

"I hope so," Maya said as she smiled looking at Josh.

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