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In the soft glow of morning, Samar cradled the letter that held the promise of a legacy she's always wanted for herself—a dream job offer at the AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals UK. Excitement thrummed through her veins, yet a heavy reality anchored her heart: the absence of her husband on their first anniversary, a marriage that had never truly blossomed beyond formality.

A year ago, Samar Farooqi married Arsalan Gulwani in a subdued ceremony, a stark contrast to the grandeur one might expect for a union involving such esteemed families. The guest list comprised notable army generals, captains, and colonels, attending out of respect for Brigadier Arsalan Gulwani and Field Marshal Shujaat Farooqi, Samar's father. Their illustrious reputations demanded a quiet, protocol-driven affair, which Samar loathed but accepted, knowing this was the life she had always known.

Growing up under the stern yet loving gaze of her father, Samar had learned to navigate a world of rigid rules and military discipline. Field Marshal Shujaat Farooqi, a man revered for his unwavering dedication to his country, was a strict officer but a devoted husband to Amna and a tender father to his three daughters. Samar, the eldest, was followed by her spirited sisters, Sarwat and Marvi. Despite his demanding career, Shujaat's love for his family was profound, creating a complex dynamic that shaped Samar's view of love and duty.

Despite the disciplined and composed exterior she presented to the world, Dr. Samar was a lively spirit, driven by a deep-seated passion to make a meaningful difference in society, a trait she inherited from her father's inspiring dedication. From her earliest memories, she harbored a fierce ambition to carve out her own path, distinct from the towering legacy of her father.

Dr. Samar had earned a reputation as a brilliant biochemist, celebrated for her pioneering research in drug development. Her academic journey had begun with a PhD in Biochemistry from a prestigious university, where she devoted herself to finding innovative treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, her groundbreaking work on a novel drug for Alzheimer's disease received the prestigious endorsement of the World Health Organization (WHO), marking a monumental achievement in her career.

This recognition propelled Samar into the international spotlight of scientific acclaim and paved the way for an enticing opportunity: an invitation from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in London. The role offered as Senior Research Scientist was not just a career move; it promised to place her at the forefront of biochemistry research, collaborating with leading scientists and impacting global health on a profound level.

As she pondered this pivotal moment, Samar felt a whirlwind of emotions—excitement mingled with a touch of apprehension. Accepting the position meant leaving behind her roots in India, including her family and a marriage that had never fully blossomed beyond formality. Yet, the chance to advance her research in London, to contribute tangibly to the fight against Alzheimer's and other challenging diseases, ignited a profound sense of purpose within her.

Her father's legacy was a guiding light in Samar's decision-making process. Field Marshal Shujaat Farooqi's unwavering commitment to duty and country had instilled in Samar a strong sense of responsibility and ambition. Now, standing on the brink of a career-defining opportunity, she understood that embracing this new role was not just about professional growth—it was about honouring her father's legacy by forging her own unique path, one that promised to leave an enduring impact on the field of biochemistry.

As Samar sat lost in her thoughts by the windowsill, the cheerful chime of the doorbell broke the tranquility of the moment, prompting her to rise and make her way downstairs to answer it. Their home, nestled amidst lush green surroundings, had become a sanctuary since Arsalan and she had moved in after their wedding. It was a spacious abode with expansive windows that offered panoramic views outside.

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