Chap-55 "Tae in hospital"

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*at the hospital*

Jisoo was sitting outside the hospital room nervously waiting for the doctor to know about tae's condition. Her eyes were filled with tears which were dropping continuously.

Jennie sat by her side and gave her a glass of water to drink but Jisoo refused it. Jennie and kai went with Jisoo to the hospital while the rest of the family was waiting at the house.

Jennie: soo drink some water and stop crying, tae will be alright.

Jisoo: Im scared jen, he was hurt saving me....I don't want anything to happen to him.

*jennie hugged Jisoo*

Jennie: don't worry soo he will be fine, first drink this water or else I will force YOU!

*Jisoo unwillingly drank the water*

Jennie: good girl!

*she wiped her tears*

Jennie: lets be positive okay?

*Jisoo nods*

*after 10 mins, the doctor came outside*

Jisoo: what happened doctor?? How Is tae?? Is everything alright? Is he okay??

Jennie: calm down soo.

Kai: how is he doctor??

Doctor: no need to worry he's absolutely fine. Thankfully the chandelier didn't hit him hard so he just had a minor concussion. We will keep him under observation for today and you Can take him home tomorrow.

Jisoo: thank god! Jen he's alright.

*saying that she hugged jennie*

Kai: thank You so much doctor.

Doctor: no problem.

Jisoo: Can I go and see him?

Doctor: sure but he's asleep.

Jisoo: okay.

*saying that she went inside*

Kai: I should inform at the house they must be worried.

Jennie: yeah.

Kai informed the family that tae Is out of danger and everyone were happy except one.

Mom: thank god our tae Is out of danger I was worried sick.

Krystal: yeah mom.

Dad: but I don't understand one thing how did the chandelier suddenly fall??

Sehun: may be it wasn't fixed properly.

Dad: how come such mistake be made in my house! Call the house keeping head!!

*the house keeping lady arrived*

Lady: im sorry this was a mistake.

Dad: how Can do such a big mistake!! What If my son-in-law was seriously hurt!!

Lady: im sorry I promise this won't be repeated again, I will make sure of it.

Dad: there is no second chance When it come to my family. Your fired!

Lady: pls don't fire me!! Pls I beg you!! Please!!

Dad: take her out!

*some guards came and took her out*

Mom: you did good, I will appoint a new cleaning head tomorrow.

Dad: this party is over now, all of you go and rest.

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