#2 Fall for You

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New Characters:

Freddie Evans: Zac's Mom's new boyfriend.

Taylor Wood: Vanessa's new boyfriend from Summer Camp.

Sean Hill: Ashley's older brother.

🇨​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇵​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇷​​​​​ 1•

Monday Morning: It's everyone's first day as Junior's in High School...

Mom: Oooh Zachary! It's time to wake up for school!

Zac: *groans while pulling his covers over his head*

Mom: *yanks the covers off him*

Zac: Okay, okay, I'm up! *whines & sits up slowly*

Mom: Good! *smiles at him & walks out of his room*

*Zac gets dressed & runs quickly down the stairs into the kitchen...*

Mom: Whoa, slow down! What's the rush?

Zac: Ashley! She's picking me up! *car horn beeps outside* She's here! *grabs his backpack off his kitchen chair* Gotta go! *kisses his Mom's cheek*

Mom: Oh, okay, sweetie! Love you! Have a great day!

Zac: Love you back! *runs out the door & hops into Ashley's car* Did I mention how much I love your new car?

Ash: Did I mention how much I love you?

Zac: Only a few times *smiles & kisses her*

Ash: Ready for school?

Zac: Hit that gas girl!

*Ashley laughs & turns up the music playing on her car radio & they drive off to school...*

At school...

*Ashley & Zac are laughing & walking together in the hallway, when they hear people call their names. They turn around seeing Demi & Selena. They all hug each other excitedly...*

Zac: What's up?

Sel: Nothing much—

Demi: Well except the fact VANESSA has a new boyfriend!

Zac: Ew, really?

Ash: Seriously?

Demi: YES, and he's kind of gorgeous


Zac: *laughs at them* Yeah, anyways

Ash: *looks over & sees Vanessa with her new boyfriend walking together down the hall* So it's that guy?

*They all face in the direction Ashley looks & see Vanessa with her new boyfriend...*

David: *walks over to them & looks in the same direction* Yeah, I see him too

Ash: Couldn't miss him if we tried

Dem: You could say that again *fans herself*

Zac: *raises his eyebrows at Ash*

* Vanessa & her boyfriend start walking in their direction...*

Dav: Ah crap, they're coming over

Sel: I miss when she used to ignore us

#2 Fall for YouWhere stories live. Discover now