In the thirteen years I've lived, the one thing I've definitely learned is that people won't care about you until you're beautiful, rich, or dead.The first two didn't work out, so I decided why not try the third one.Now I will tell you the story of my life, that is, how it ended! Everyone says that life is too short and this is the longest thing that can happen in our lives.And reincarnation! I would never want to go through it again. There was one too many! If they put a red button in front of me today and said "press it and we'll take a year off your life but you'll get €1,000,000" I would press it until I die.Because all my dreams were to be rich and dead. Let's say I don't mind a lot of water. I know for a fact that if I died today, no one would notice . Why do I know? because 3 months ago I decided not to speak. And even my own mother didn't notice. I haven't said a word since then, let's say now I might not even be able to speak. Speech? The thing that people don't know is how much pain they can cause! Words often hurt more than actions . I experienced it myself! My whole life I was commented on my body in my early life about how skinny I was and how full I was.And who? My own family! Those whose job it is to protect me from everything and not let me get hurt.But not this family. They don't care what's wrong with me even if the blood is flowing from my arms and thighs.And realizing that there is no safe place in your life is one of the worst feelings.And knowing that everyone around you is talking about you has an unpleasant effect on your anxiety.And you could ask why they are talking about me if no one would care if I died.Because last year around this time I said that I would have killed myself if my mother didn't help and they have been talking about it ever since.But nobody cares about my feelings, they just look right through me.