Agent 013

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In the mundane hum of the office, Cam and Davion shared a desk, their laughter echoing through the otherwise quiet space. A sudden interruption shattered their jovial mood as Malik, a man they despised, stormed into their cubicle.

"Where's Barbie?" he demanded, his eyes narrowed and his voice dripping with venom.

Cam and Davion exchanged amused glances. "Barbie?" Cam chuckled. "Man, that woman ain't worried 'bout you. She is with someone who actually cares about her for once,"

Malik's face twisted into a snarl. "With who?"

"None of your business," Davion retorted. "She's moved on, Malik. You need to get over it,"

"But she's mine! Ian give her permission to fucking leave!" Malik shouted, his narcissism flaring.

"Was," Cam corrected. "She's not a possession, you know,"

Malik's fists clenched as he stepped closer, his body language radiating aggression. "You're protecting him, aren't you? The guy she's seeing now—Dean?"

"What if we are?" Davion challenged.

Malik's eyes widened in a mixture of disbelief and fury. "He's not good enough for her!" he spat. "He's just a loser who can't even hold down a job,"

Cam and Davion burst into laughter. "Says the guy who's unemployed and living in his mother's basement," Cam remarked.

Malik lunged forward, but Cam and Davion deftly dodged his attack. They had had enough of his toxic behavior.

"Get out!" Davion ordered.

"When I find better hope and pray nobody gets hurt," he threatened.

Malik hesitated for a moment before turning and storming out of the cubicle. As he slammed the door behind him, Cam and Davion sighed in relief.

"I can't believe he still thinks he has any claim over Barbie," Cam said.

"He's a control freak," Davion agreed. "He can't stand the thought of her being happy with someone else,"

Cam and Davion returned to their work, but the incident had cast a shadow over their day.

"You think we should tell Dean to look over his shoulders?" Davion asked.

"Nah. I mean, we can tell him what happened, but Malik is not a man to worry about. Man flossing like he got it all, putting on this fake ass facade...he's his own downfall, man," he shook his head.

"I thought he had his own place,"

"Word got around that he is back with his mom.  Malik is clearly going through it right now and that bait of his, Jada, is just a fucking rebound. Every nigga comes back to her, pun intended. I even heard she's been plotting on all the niggas on that campus. I guess Malik isn't what he say he is,"

"I knew the bitch was broke when she couldn't pay the $50 for the cracked screen, but was going to the Bahamas. Get the fuck outta here,"

"Both of them are walking L's. I wish the nigga would do something. Gone get fucking blasted out this bitch!"

"I'm saying,"


I picked Barbie up from her place and we headed to this bowling alley. It was my idea this time so cut me some slack! Bowling is a nice date and it is a way to see how we bond and how we vibe. I don't know, bowling is just fun. I paid for everything of course, but it's not an issue for someone I like. You niggas need to take some notes.

"You're such a sore loser," she joked.

"Me? At first you were barely making any points!"

"That's before. This is now. Step yo game up,"

She was trynna be real tough so imma have to show her what's up. I can't just get punked like this.

"Look like we have one more game left. What if we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal? I mean, as long as it's appropriate, not too much,"

"It's cute and simple. I was thinking if you were to win this last round in bowling, I have to do whatever you say for three days,"

"That's gonna be a good one. And what if you win?" she asks.

"If I win, you have to give me a kiss. It can be on the cheek! Don't matter where,"

Barbie hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Deal,"

In that final game, I poured all my energy into every roll. The adrenaline coursed through my veins as I watched the ball sail down the lane, hoping against hope for a strike. To my surprise, I managed to knock down all ten pins, securing victory.

Barbie's eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and admiration.

"Well, Mr. Smooth, looks like you've earned yourself a kiss," she said, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

And with that, she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. It was a brief moment, but it sent a surge of warmth and happiness through my body.

"But next time, I'm crushing you! And then you gone be the one agreeing the whatever deal I make,"

"That's not necessarily an issue," I laughed.

"Oh! So you'd do anything I ask?"

"Yeah. Anything,"

"Mm okay. We'll see about that," she smiled.

"I really do like being around you. This is the most fun I've had in a long time," I smiled.

"Thank you! I feel the same way about you. I feel like I'm free and happy. Like I'm never stressed,"

"I wanna keep it that way..." I said, taking her hand. "I know I gotta earn it, but you really brighten my day, Barbie,"

"I'm glad I can,"

𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 ❥❦۵ (Agent00 Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now